A few items I cannot do without when travelling



A few days ago I read from @princrssbusayo about the things she has to sacrifice when travelling and since I'm travelling from Enugu State to AkwaIbom state today, I decided to write about the few items I cannot travel without and why.

First on my list is a nose mask.


I wonder who else misses the after COVID period. I loved the way the World Health Organization insisted that everyone had a mask on. Before the arrival of masks, I used to tie a scarf around my nose and people found it weird and probably insane but the masks became proof that I wasn't.
I wear nose masks for two reasons. The first being that it prevents dust particles from getting to my nostrils as we have a lot of it right now. We're in the harmattan season in Nigeria and it's cold, windy and extremely dry. Some car owners and motorcycle riders do not make it easy for pedestrians as they drive at really high speeds thereby stirring and raising so much dust.
The second reason is that it prevents me from taking in too much air. While travelling, the bus windows are mostly always open unless I boarded the business class bus which comes with an AC. Due to the driving speed, the air coming in is always a lot and I hate the way it slaps my face in full force so the nose mask comes in handy.


I have my sunglasses with me everytime I'm travelling. Its role is simple. Prevent my eyes from excess sunlight and dust. It also gives me this classy look that I love so much 😂 I think it's very weird for people to not travel with sunglasses.


Barrett Ward

An earpiece or earpod can't be left out. What's a good journey without some good music? How else am I supposed to keep calm while hours fly by? Music keeps me sane while I turn and twist on my seat till I get to my destination. Plus I don't want to disturb the entire bus by playing my music aloud.


I also always travel with a book. While the bus takes my physical body through a journey, a novel makes my mind travel much further. A good book really comes in handy when I travel. I definitely get tired of having music play in my head and a book helps me get going when I'm taking that break.

So a nose mask, my sunglasses, earpods and a book are a few things I cannot do without when travelling. A bottle of water, snacks and a scarf are also necessary. On some occasions I go with my hand fan and that's it. You can add yours in the comments section and you can tick the things I have on my list that coincides in your list as well.
Have an amazing day.

Cover image created using Canva. All images unsourced are mine.



About The Author


I am a witty, adventurous and nicheless writer who loves to sing, take pictures, teach and travel. I am currently an English Education student at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I am also a young children's teacher who homeschools kids during holidays. I love to share my life experiences through writing with the hope of inspiring as many people as possible on the Hive space.


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I will do just that! Thank you.
