Un Conejo en casa

Hola comunidad les presento a Ponjiro la nueva mascota de la casa, aunque realmente le pertenece a mi sobrina, sin embargo todos lo atendemos, como siempre suele ocurrir cuando llega una mascota pasa a ser un miembro más de la familia.
Hello community I present to you Ponjiro the new pet of the house, although he really belongs to my niece, however we all take care of him, as it always happens when a pet arrives he becomes a member of the family.

No es la primera vez que tenemos un conejo como mascota, hace unos cuantos años tuvimos uno pero brevemente porque comenzó a morder todos los cables que encontraba a su alrededor, así que tuvimos que regalarlo. Afortunadamente Ponjiro hasta los momentos no ha roído ninguno. A pesar de tener un espacio para él siempre busca entrar en la casa.
This is not the first time we have had a pet rabbit, a few years ago we had one but briefly because he started biting all the wires he found around him, so we had to give him away. Fortunately Ponjiro so far has not gnawed any of them. Despite having a space for him he is always looking to get into the house.

A menudo se mete debajo del mueble, pienso que lo siente como su escondite, allí se acuesta y duerme o simplemente se queda un buen rato ahí a descansar. Se siente tan en confianza que cuando vamos a buscarle lechuga mete la cabeza a la nevera y si alguna hoja esta a su alcance va y la saca él mismo.
He often goes under the furniture, I think he feels it as his hiding place, there he lies down and sleeps or simply stays there to rest for a while. He feels so confident that when we go to look for lettuce he puts his head in the fridge and if any leaf is within his reach he goes and takes it out himself.
Creo que Ponjiro extraña la tierra, he aquí la evidencia de ello, destaco que antes en ese porrón existía una planta de malojillo, pero Ponjiro se la comió, no solo degusto de esa planta sino de otras cuantas más, lo cual a mi hermana no le ha agradado mucho, es su naturaleza no podemos hacer mucho con eso no creen.
I believe that Ponjiro misses the land, here is the evidence of it, I emphasize that before in that vat there was a malojillo plant, but Ponjiro ate it, he not only tasted that plant but a few others, which my sister did not like very much, it is his nature, we can not do much with that, don't you think?
copyright de las imágenes @devania
traductor usado Deepl versión gratis
un conejo muy bonito y por lo visto bastante curioso tambien
demasiado curioso, gracias por comentar
Cabe destacaron que le gustan los plátanos y el ajoporro, que lindo mi conejito 🥺
si le gusta el ajoporro y los platanos y saltar por la ventana
This rabbit is cute and yes, they tend to bite the wires in the house, mainly when they are growing. It must be a very tender scene to see him eating from the fridge hahaha.
yes it is beautiful to see him eating from the fridge and I thought this one would not bite the wires it is terrible news, thanks for commenting
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De nada @devania 😊👍