Wednesday walk in the area around Bukovets hut


On the last day of our mountain adventure in Sredna Stara planina with @vesytz, @fog043 and another friend we decided to go around on the way back. We stopped at Bukovets hunting lodge, which impressed us (at least to me) with its architecture. Adjacent to it was another abandoned hut, which I did not want to photograph, because it looked like a ghost from communism.

It's located 500m from the Eleno-Tvrdish Pass on the ridge of Stara Planina. Tourist and bicycle routes pass from here.

There wasn't a soul around, except for a very dusty dog ​​that ran away when it saw us.
I looked through the window to look around because it was locked and saw almost nothing but a room and a hall which didn't look too bad. They may still be used.

On the side of the hut there was a wooden building which was obviously used for barbecue and relaxation or maybe not..

We went to the back view for a walk in the woods and came across some interesting and large rocks as well as a swing which made for fun photos of the friends.

We laughed and got in the car to drive to town, thinking about the next forest trip along the way..

0.088 PAL


looks such a cool place to explore, the rock formations are cool I am sure different people would look at them and see different shapes I saw a dog in one of them, and the swing shots look fun

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

0.000 PAL