The roar of the bear in the aurora borealis/ LMAC - A contest Round 148 ✨ |ESP | ENG|



Hello friends happy Saturday, today I come to share with you my participation to the contest #148 that makes /Let's Make a Collage, weekly is this challenge to create a collage with a base image that they give you and in the post they tell you the rules to follow to enter this, here I leave the link to go and participate.

Hola amigos feliz sábado, hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes mi participación al concurso #148 que hace /Hagamos un Collage, semanalmente es este reto de crear un collage con una imagen base que te dan y en el post te dicen las reglas a seguir para entrar en esto, aquí les dejo el link para que vayan a participar.

Last week I participated and to my great surprise I was among the nominees this made me very happy because it shows that my skills are improving more and more and I'm happy about it, I think I will continue participating in each week and so I practice to achieve the goal I have in mind for a while.

La semana pasada participé y para mi gran sorpresa quedé entre los nominados esto me alegró mucho porque demuestra que mis habilidades van mejorando cada vez más y estoy feliz por ello, creo que seguiré participando en cada semana y así practico para lograr el objetivo que tengo en mente desde hace un tiempo.

Here below I leave you the resources I used to make this beautiful collage that I share with you today, I call this one "bear roar with the northern lights" because it was one of the approaches that came to my mind when I saw the base image so I started to look for every image that would help me to create what I had in my mind.

Aquí abajo les dejo los recursos que utilicé para hacer este hermoso collage que hoy comparto con ustedes, a este lo llamo "rugido de oso con aurora boreal" porque fue uno de los enfoques que me vino a la mente cuando vi la imagen base así que me puse a buscar cada imagen que me ayudara a crear lo que tenía en mi mente.


I hope you like this collage, I am very happy to be able to share this one with you, this is my second week that I am participating consecutively in this challenge.

Espero que les agrade este collage, estoy muy contenta de poder compartirlo con vosotros, esta es mi segunda semana que participo consecutivamente en este reto.

0.214 PAL


This is a beautiful image, and a lovely use of the elements. The foot bridge in the collage was actually contributed by me to LIL. It's wonderful to see it included. Thank you!

Good luck in the contest this week,@desic

0.000 PAL

Thank you, that bridge was perfect for my creation from the moment I saw it I thought it was the one.

0.000 PAL

Bella imagen que has logrado. Te felicito.

0.000 PAL

Very nice collage in a blue mood. Thanks for using my LIL image. Wish you luck in the contest. 👏

0.000 PAL

You know that when I read about the blue state of mind, I got curious and did some research😀❤️. Thank you for your good wishes and let's hope it goes well.

0.000 PAL