Surprise trip. [SPA/ENG]

¿Buenos días, comunidad cómo están? Como se encuentran hace poco me hallaba husmeando en mis redes sociales viendo fotos y riéndome de antiguos recuerdo y me conseguí con una reliquia. De un viaje que había echo hace muchos años cuando era adolescente y me sorprendí mucho la verdad, les cuento eso fue más o menos cuando tenía 15 años de edad. En ese tiempo la verdad es que estábamos con un gran amigo que era el señor Alfredo, el cual siempre nos animaba a mí y a mis amigos, habíamos tratado de coordinar varios viajes ese año, pero tristemente ninguno se había logrado ☹️☹️☹️ porque siempre teníamos alguna traba y siempre se presentaba algo y eso tristemente nos bajaba el ánimo😖😖😖. Hasta que un día el señor Alfredo nos llamó para que lo fuéramos a visitar.

Good morning, community. How are you? Recently, I was snooping through my social networks, looking at photos and laughing at old memories, and I found myself with a relic. From a trip that I had taken many years ago when I was a teenager, and I was really surprised, I tell you that it was more or less when I was 15 years old. At that time, the truth is that we were with a great friend, Mr. Alfredo, who always encouraged me and my friends. We had tried to coordinate several trips that year, but sadly none had been achieved ☹️☹️☹️ because we always had some obstacle and something always appeared, and that sadly lowered our spirits 😖😖😖. Until one day, Mr. Alfredo called us to visit him.

Nos avisó ese mismo día que nos fuéramos preparados por cualquier cosa, la verdad es que a mí se me había hecho superraro porque no sabíamos nada, le consulte a mi mamá que lo iba a visitar y ella para ese tiempo me dio permiso, pero tampoco entendía por qué lo decía 🤣🤣🤣, pero bueno eso no me detuvo. Decidí irme junto con mis amigos, ese día se coordinó un punto de encuentro el cual era en San Joaquín, nos encontramos con el señor Alfredo y nos llevó hasta su casa y pudimos tener una pequeña charla y divertirnos juntos y llego una de mis partes favoritas de ese día, nos preguntaron que si queríamos comer yo como todo joven dije que si 🤣🤣🤣 de hecho como el desayuno era panqueca pedí dos 🤣🤣🤣.

He told us that same day that we should leave prepared for anything. The truth is that it seemed super strange to me because we didn't know anything. I told my mom that I was going to visit him, and she gave me permission at that time, but she didn't either. I understood why he was saying it 🤣🤣🤣, but that didn't stop me. I decided to go with my friends. That day, a meeting point was coordinated, which was in San Joaquín. We met Mr. Alfredo, and he took us to his house, where we were able to have a little chat and have fun together, and one of my favorite parts arrived. That day, they asked us if we wanted to eat, and like all young people, I said yes 🤣🤣🤣 in fact, since breakfast was a pancake, I ordered two 🤣🤣🤣.

¿Llego el momento nos preguntó si teníamos pasaje y le dijimos que si reunimos entre todos y le preguntamos a donde iríamos él nos dijo es un secreto, nosotros le seguimos la corriente nos montamos en un bus hacia valencia recuerdo ese día estaba lloviendo de hecho hasta nos mojamos un poco, pero aun así seguimos, llegamos al lugar nos dijo que si trajimos ropa de cambio? Algunos si yo si no tristemente y como no sabíamos, pero bueno nos dijo que iríamos a un río que no nos dijo nada porque siempre que hablábamos de las cosas se presentaba algo así que lo decidió hacer como una sorpresa no me acuerdo del nombre del río, pero sé que era por valencia o Guacara el punto es que era un sitio precioso la verdad, decidí bañarme así no me importo que mi ropa se mojara 🤣🤣🤣 y valió la pena hasta ahora ha sido una experiencia inolvidable el agua estaba superfría y todos se lanzaban de una piedra que calculo era de dos metros y medio yo también me intente lazar, pero yo le tengo miedo a las alturas y no pude, pero aun así no pare de bañarme. Recuerdo que ese día algunos decidieron ponerse encima de un tronco viejo y allí nos tomamos varias fotos hasta que paso algo alarmante, uno de mis amigos Alejandro se calló del tronco, gracias a Dios no le paso nada más bien le tomamos hasta fotos y nos reímos del 🤣🤣🤣 ese día las hijas del señor Alfredo nos acompañaron recuerdo que una de ellas me gustaba, pero yo no le correspondía. Decidí seguir disfrutando.

Did the time come? He asked us if we had a ticket, and we told him that if we all got together and asked him where we would go, he would tell us it was a secret. We went along with it, and we got on a bus to Valencia. I remember that day when it was raining; in fact, until we got a little wet, we still continued. When we got to the place, he asked us if we had changed clothes. Some yes, me yes, now sadly, and since we didn't know, well, he told us that we would go to a river that didn't tell us anything because whenever we talked about things, something would come up, so he decided to do it as a surprise. I don't remember the name of the river, but well, he told us that we would go to a river that didn't tell us anything because whenever we talked about things, something would come up, so he decided to do it as a surprise. I don't remember the name of the river, but I know it was from Valencia or Guacara. The point is that it was a really beautiful place. I decided to take a bath, so I don't mind my clothes getting wet 🤣🤣🤣 and it was worth it. So far, it has been an unforgettable experience. The water was super cold, and everyone was throwing themselves from a stone that I calculated was two and a half meters tall. I also tried to throw myself, but I'm afraid of heights, and I couldn't, but even so, I didn't stop bathing. I remember that that day some people decided to stand on top of an old trunk, and there we took several photos until something alarming happened, one of my friends, Alejandro, fell off the trunk. Thank God nothing happened to him; rather, we even took photos and laughed about that day when Mr. Alfredo's daughters accompanied us. I remember that one of them liked me, but I did not reciprocate. I decided to continue enjoying.

Seguimos disfrutando decidí incluso tomarme una foto en el río en una mini cascada, después de habernos divertido nos lamentamos algo porque algunos amigos no pudieron ir, pero bueno el viaje ya había finalizado y teníamos que regresar tuve que secarme durante el camino porque la ropa que tenía era con la que salí recuerdo que dejamos el asiento del bus mojado, hay que horror, pero salimos rápido de la pena y bueno ese recuerdo sigue en mi mente y en mi corazón el nombre de mis amigos eran Jared, Alejandro Nefi Cristhian y Adrian con los cuales he tenido la oportunidad de seguir compartiendo con algunos de ellos lastimosamente ya somos adultos y tenemos nuestras responsabilidades algunos incluso se fueron del país, pero los recuerdos siguen en estas fotos los cuales me alegran el alma y me brindan felicidad espero les allá gustado agradezco al lector por su tiempo y paciencia por leer que pasen feliz día.

We continued to enjoy it, I even decided to take a picture in the river in a mini waterfall, after having fun we regretted something because some friends could not go, but well the trip had already ended, and we had to return, I had to dry myself along the way because the clothes that I had was the one I went out with I remember we left the bus seat wet, what a horror, but we got out of grief quickly and well that memory is still in my mind and in my heart the names of my friends were Jared, Alejandro Nefi Cristhian and Adrian with whom I have had the opportunity to continue sharing with some of them, unfortunately we are already adults, and we have our responsibilities, some even left the country, but the memories continue in these photos, which brighten my soul and give me happiness, I hope you like it there I thank the reader for his time and patience for reading have a happy day.

*Las fotos fueron sacadas de mis redes sociales y una fue editada por WhatsAPP.
*The photos were taken from my social networks and one was edited by WhatsApp.


que bueno que te quedaron fotos para recordar la aventura


Si son tesoros escondidos, que me ayudan a recordar porque se me olvidan mucho las cosas.


A fun day out in nature amongst friends is one of the most pleasurable things and a great bonding time. From your photos, it seems that was exactly what your day was about:)))


If not every day you live, you have to take advantage of every moment because life is short and the only thing that will remain are those precious moments.
