Hive Punk Fate Story - A dot is all that matters ... ☹️ Hive Punk的命運故事:只差一點點...
I guess I really enjoy the Punks. Don't have the wealth to know this from owning CryptoPunks, which recent news is A rare ape CryptoPunk NFT just sold for over $10 million, but fortunately we have HivePunks❤️! I only minted a few, but I really enjoy researching it from time to time and browsing the market, and today I am gonna share one interesting thing I learn from it - the fate of the punks differ, sometimes just due to a dot or different colors of lipstick... 😧
Let me show you. Look at the following screenshot of the very top part of market ranking by rarity.
Have you found out anything weird about it!? 🤔 Hmm...
Look closer.👀
Got it!? You see!? Ms. Emely Murray, who is a beverage tester, has a rarity score of 2,055 so she can be here with all those rare punk peers who all look so diverse. Emely doesn't look like that she belongs here - She is human, no laser eyes, no fancy hats or weird things on her face.
Why is she here!? Where are her species?
The answer is clear if you check the market upside down with Rarity ascending. Like the following.
See how many punks here look like Ms Murray!? I can literally pick three from the screenshot that look like Emely's twin sisters!! 😊
Like Ms. Alessia Avery, who is a scuba diver😍, has a rarity score of just 79 (among the lowest) so she is here with all those common punks who all look alike in some way. Alessia belongs here, yet she looks like almost identical to Emely.
Except that Alessia puts on a beautiful earring and wears pink lipstick. Supposedly looks prettier!? 😘 and that they have different jobs.
What causes the huge difference in rarity (fate)!?
After further investigation, it turns out that the dot (earring) and the lip color matters.
If you are so common that you cannot be more common, then ... you become rare.
If the punk has no accessories at all, then congrats! There are only 5 of them out of the 10,000 punks. That's a 2,000 rarity score get, putting you up there among those pricey freaks. You stands out due to your utmost purity - no decorations what-so-ever...
Does this little interesting fact make you learn something!? Does it inspire you or otherwise!?
Anyway, I found it fascinating and worth sharing with you. Hope you enjoy this little piece of HivePunk investigation! 😎
最近我常常分享HivePunks的一些經驗或感想。主要是我真的覺得很有趣,然後因為是CryptoPunks的本鏈復刻版,研究起來特別有感覺。所以我時不時會去逛市集,看看大家又買了什麼?又拿什麼上來賣了... 最近突然發現一件很有趣的事,就是看那些超級稀有的Punks中,竟然有一個如鄰家女孩般的存在,旁邊不是外星人、雷射眼、怪異帽就是殭屍之類的,顯得很突兀。我就很好奇,這是怎麼特別了!?完全看不出來。明明就很像是另一邊貧民窟,或是一般民眾區的長相啊!?那邊好多個都跟這位Emely Murray長得幾乎一模一樣呢!
經過我研究之後,才發現,原來有一個指標是計算臉上所有特徵:我看過的大概就是從0到6,可以想像絕大部分都會在1-5之間,而0的,只有5個,所以可以得分10,000/5=2,000。如果用比較文青的話就是說,因為你太平凡了,平凡到無以復加,因此讓你非常獨特。哇!這個指標真的是超級酷的。這句話有沒有發人深省呢!?😊 我覺得很有趣,所以特別寫一篇來分享一下。看來我是買不起這麼"平凡"的Hive Punks了...😆
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$10 million USD for a rare CryptoPunk Ape NFT? Hahaha. 😂 Some people are crazy. Hahaha. 😂
But really. I can only laugh at this. Some people have so much money that they do not even know where to put it, while many people struggle to properly get by in everyday life.
Well, you may start from having fun with affordable HivePunks and who knows maybe a few years later it's our turn to make life easier. 😊😊
就如面相。多一粒痣, 命运可不一样了。
10 millones de dólares, donde puedo hacer uno así de raro para venderlo?