"My daughter" my best and most beautiful life decisión / Week #158


Children (one)

If you have children - Why did you decide to have them, was it a difficult decision, did it take you long to decide and what were the driving factors?

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It is a complicated topic nowadays, but I will focus on my experiences, to a not so distant past, since life experiences or decisions are different for everyone.

Since I was very young, and I think it is usual in many girls, I created the illusion of having a family with a few children, that thought was reflected by setting up a stage playing with my dolls, in which there was that husband and the respective babies. You may notice that since then I have been very dreamy and I do not see it wrong, sometimes dreams lead you to live moments of happiness and the best thing is when you can fulfill them.

As the years went by, my thoughts did not change, I worked, studied, consolidated a relationship with some haste, got married and since the engagement we planned to have a family with at least 4 children.

After 4 years of dating, more than 2 years of marriage, already graduated from college, as a great observer that I am, we saw that the situation of the country was deteriorating, I live in Venezuela, those who are from here or are aware of what we have lived know what I mean.


Well, the time came to make decisions, to fulfill that dream of being parents, I felt that we had to do it, it was the right time, by mutual agreement it was a yes, we were living a wheel of fortune and we did not know if things would become better or worse, but I had a premonition that difficult things would come.

I don't want to deviate from the subject so I'll get to the point, we had our first daughter, it wasn't that easy, but it wasn't that hard either since the means were still favorable for it. And you know it is the best decision I could have made in my life, a wonderful experience, because for me being a mother has been beautiful, I have fully enjoyed it, to see a little seed grow from your womb and then hold it in your arms, take care of it, help it develop day by day, it is a gift of life.



That dream of having a large family did not happen, I am a person with a lot of reason and common sense, and yes, maybe I was a little frustrated for not having been able to have more children, because as I was saying before, finally the situation deteriorated to such an extent that I said to myself, give the best you can to only one, and do not bring more children into the world that may be deprived, that is unthinkable.

Currently my daughter is 21 years old, she is my life, my reason for being and moving forward, with ups and downs like any relationship between mothers and children, but nothing that can not be solved, simply a rewarding experience and simply the best decision I could make in my life, as it hurts a lot to hear so many currently that it is not even remotely in their plans to have children, as is the case of my own daughter, which due to the situation is what she says she does not even think about having them and that fills me with sadness. But it also fills me with indignation for the many others who fill themselves with children without having the means to support them, they bring them to live in deprivation and that is not fair to those children.

I would have a lot more to say on this subject, but I want to summarize more than anything else what my decisions, experiences and personal experiences have been, and not what I see in other people.

In summary, on the personal side, I am happy to have my daughter, to have been part of her growth, to still be part of it, and that there is a nice relationship between us.💕


A pleasure to have participated in the Weekend-Engagement #158 proposed by my friend @galenkp, which you can join week after week with excellent topics. I leave you the link here so you can see what it is about.

Thanks for reading. See you next time.✨

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All photos used in this post are of my authorship and edited in Canva

Banner and separator made by me in Canva

Translated with the help of DeepL



Everyone is free of their decisions, but it seems to me that your decision to have only one daughter was the right one, these are hard times and you saw what happened in the country coming, you have raised a good daughter, loving and with artistic talent, something that In this country it is so difficult because art is not supported, I am delighted that you always express yourself about your daughter in a way full of love.

Hugs 🤗


That's how it is friend, each one decides and that is respectable. In my case, I think I did the right thing when I made that decision. Thank you very much for your beautiful words my beautiful. I thank God and life for the daughter I have Hugs and a thousand blessings to you @irenenavarroart


Children are gift from God. She must be proud of having a mother like you who cares about her growth.


That's right, and she is my most beautiful gift. Thanks for stopping by and reading. Greetings @graciousvic That's right, and she is my most beautiful gift. Thanks for stopping by and reading. Regards ✨


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Nice post <3 Dont give up


I have a good and beautiful daughter that life gave me, that's what's important. Hugs @drydia ❤️
