Skate edit With my Friend "Canodromo Spot" Vol 1.🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

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Hello @skatehive Community
Welcome to another video for my channel, today I edited a video of skating with some friends. We went to the dog track spot, which is a spot where they let us skate and we have some modules to skate and have a good time.

Hola, Comunidad de @skatehive
Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, el dia de hoy les edite un video de la patinada con unos amigos. Fuimos al Spot del canodromo que es un spot donde nos dejan patinar y tenemos algunos modulos para patinar y pasarla bien.

I took the time to edit this video and start at least doing a weekly edit with my friends, we had a great time and on this ELEMENT rail, I was able to do tricks that I hadn't done in a while and that filled me with motivation.

Me tome el tiempo de editar este video y empezar al menos hacer un edit semanal con mis amigos, la pasamos genial y en esta baranda ELEMENT, pude hacer trucos que no hacia hace algun tiempo y eso me lleno de motivacion.

I hope you too, I hope you enjoy the video and tell me what you thought of the editing.

Espero que a ustedes tambien, espero que disfruten del video y me digan que tal les parecio la edicion

Imagen editada de FotoJet:

Música descargada de Pixabay:

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