Now it's official: Nature study, covid19 vaccination related to coronary syndromes

Now "science" says it, the one that according to Fauci should not be questioned and about which there could be no doubts. Not the science of the many doctors, scientists and researchers who for two years were suspended from universities and ridiculed on TV as "conspiracy theorists" only to have all their theses realized. A few days ago the publication of a study published by the prestigious scientific journal Nature entitled 'Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave'.

The Israeli study looked at emergency room accesses for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndromes from 2019 to 2021. Well, it found in 2021 compared to 2020 a 5-15% increase in the general population with a peak of 25-26% in males under 39 years of age, which is associated with anti-covid vaccination campaigns but not with waves of covid.Very important because it highlights that the increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease is related to vaccination rather than Covid-19.

The large increase in the incidence of CA and ACS events in the population of age 16–39 parallel to the vaccination rollout and its association with the vaccination rates could be consistent with the known causal relationship between the mRNA vaccines and incidents of myocarditis in young people


The study recognizes the correlation in the population aged between 16 and 39 between the incidence of cardiovascular disease and the vaccine, highlighting that myocardiopathy is evident two weeks after the injection, although often silent (asymptomatic) texts and also manifests after time, with sudden deaths. We note that, in these days, Pfizer BioNTech has warned its investors on the safety issues of vaccines. The Nature study marks a breakthrough in the narrative that evaluates the benefits always outweigh the risks for an age group (from 16 to 39 years old) that from Covid has a practically zero chance of death.

Moreover, there is a robust and statistically significant association between the weekly CA and ACS call counts, and the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group. At the same time there is no observed statistically significant association between COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS call counts.

Above, the graphs in the study, for CA and ACS respectively. We note how the AC and ACS call counts (red curve) begin to increase at the beginning of January 2021 and seem to closely follow the curve of the 2nd dose (continuous blue curve). They peak around the beginning of March and then decrease during March and the first part of April. The graphs also highlight the lack of association between Covid-19 infections (gray curve) and CA and ACS calls, which is more clearly visible during the first two major waves of infection in 2020.

A second increase is observed starting around 18 April. Interestingly, this second increase appears to closely follow the estimated number of single doses administered to people who have recovered from Covid-19 (green line), starting April 11.



The increase in AC and ACS calls from the beginning of January 2021 closely follows the administration of second-dose vaccines. Starting from April 18, 2021, a second increase in the count of CA and ACS calls is observed, due to the increase in single-dose vaccination for people recovered from Covid-19 infections. These heart problems complement the known adverse effect of myocarditis in young people, but while this vaccine-induced myocarditis has been reported mainly in males, it is interesting to note that the relative increase in CA and ACS events is greater in females.
