Cover Song Te Recuerdo Amanda / I Remember You Amanda by @davidcentenor.

Authored by @Davidcentenor

Ésta canción es muy triste, trata de una historia de un amor, en tiempos difíciles de lucha, donde la amada siempre buscaba a su amor en este caso a Manuel al trabajo, con su sonrisa y su brillo de amor verdadero, así siempre fue hasta que un día lo fue a buscar y no volvió, "Te Recuerdo Amanda" es el nombre de esta bella canción del cantautor Chileno Víctor Jara, en una versión íntima de Silvio, qud tuve el atrevimiento de cantarla para todo #hive, un abrazo para todos.

This song is very sad, it is a story of a love, in difficult times of struggle, where the beloved always looked for her love in this case manuel to work, with his smile and his brightness of true love, so it always was until one day he went to look for him and did not return, "I Remember You Amanda" is the name of this beautiful song by the Chilean singer-songwriter Víctor Jara, in an intimate version of Silvio, I had the audacity to sing it for all #hive, a hug for everyone.

Te recuerdo Amanda

Víctor Jara

Te recuerdo Amanda, la calle mojada
Corriendo a la fábrica donde trabajaba Manuel
La sonrisa ancha, la lluvia en el pelo
No importaba nada, ibas a encontrarte con él
Con él, con él, con él
Son cinco minutos
La vida es eterna en cinco minutos
Suena la sirena, de vuelta al trabajo
Y tú caminando lo iluminas todo
Los cinco minutos te hacen florecer
Te recuerdo Amanda, la calle mojada
Corriendo a la fábrica donde trabajaba Manuel
La sonrisa ancha, la lluvia en el pelo
No importaba nada, ibas a encontrarte con él
Con él, con él, con él
Que partió a la sierra
Que nunca hizo daño, que partió a la sierra
Y en cinco minutos quedó destrozado
Suena la sirena, de vuelta al trabajo
Muchos no volvieron, tampoco Manuel
Te recuerdo Amanda, la calle mojada
Corriendo a la fábrica donde trabajaba Manuel.

I Remember You Amanda

Víctor Jara

I remember you Amanda, the wet street
Running to the factory where Manuel worked
The wide smile, the rain in the hair
It didn't matter at all, you were going to meet him
With him, with him, with him
It's five minutes
Life is eternal in five minutes
The siren sounds, back to work
And you walking illuminate everything
The five minutes make you bloom
I remember you Amanda, the wet street
Running to the factory where Manuel worked
The wide smile, the rain in the hair
It didn't matter at all, you were going to meet him
With him, with him, with him
Who went to the mountains
That he never hurt, that he went to the mountains
And in five minutes it was shattered
The siren sounds, back to work
Many did not return, neither did Manuel
I remember you Amanda, the wet street
Running to the factory where Manuel worked.

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