[Es-En] Amor, dedicación y tiempo mi mejor regalo para mamá//
This is my entry to the contest sponsored by @rafaelgreen and @Marybellrg and I answer the question What would be the best gift for mom in the @motherhood community.
Mother's Day is a very emotional, special day, a day in which our mothers are our center of attention, in which we abandon all our plans and focus on dedicating this day mainly to them, our beautiful mothers.
Se reconoce ese dia por ser un motivo primordial para obsequiarle cualquier detalle a mama como un pequeño significado de agradecimiento por el incalculable amor que nos han brindado durante el trayecto de nuestra vida, y por supuesto tambien como una demostracion de todo el amor que sentimos por ellas.
This day is recognized for being a primary reason to give any detail to mom as a small sign of gratitude, for the incalculable love they have given us during our life's journey, and of course also as a demonstration of all the love we feel for them.
Y siempre que se acerca esta fecha nos preguntamos ¿Cuál sera el mejor regalo para mamá? Y es que a veces cometemos graciosos errores a la hora de darles obsequios, como regalarle tazas o paños de cocinas (risas). Yo en particular me gusta obseqiarle a mi madre cosas con las que ella se sienta consentida, alguna prenda, un cambio de look, pedicure, algo queella pueda utilizar y la haga sentir mas linda,pero si le pregunto a mi mama cual seria el mejor obsequio para ella, siempre me dice: “Un buen plato de alguna comida deliciosa” (risas).
And whenever this date approaches, we always ask ourselves: What will be the best gift for mom? And sometimes we make funny mistakes when it comes to giving them gifts, such as giving them mugs or dish towels (laughs). I particularly like to give my mother things that make her feel pampered, some clothes, a change of look, a pedicure, something that she can use and make her feel prettier, but if I ask my mom what would be the best gift for her, she always tells me: "A good plate of some delicious food" (laughs).
-But no matter what we give mom, everything will be special for her and she will value any detail we give her as if it were a valuable treasure, no matter how simple it is. Of course, all this is included in the material aspect, we must not forget that the best gift we can offer our mothers is love, dedication, time, letting them know that they are important to us every day of our lives, highlighting it of course on this special day for them.
To show them that Mother's Day for us their children are 365 days a year, a hug, a good morning and good night kiss, trust, respect towards them, to value the efforts and all the sacrifices they have made for us, to show them that we are good people and that we knew how to appreciate all the values they have instilled in us, would be the best gift we can give to mom this and every day of her life.