IAAC Day 193 - Roller Coaster Temperatures

Today is Thursday, January 6th and I am happy to be alive.

Well the up and down temperatures in Texas will not stop. Today another front came through and it dropped below freezing again last night. It is now in the low 40F when I took this picture. I you remember, I shared that we had temperatures in the upper 60F yesterday. We are doing our daily walk.

The hood of my coat was messing with my glasses so I had to take them off. The glare from the sun on the camera screen makes me look like I am staring at it very intently. The wind is blowing from the North directly into my face but I am still having a good time and try to be healthy by walking everyone day when possible.


I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are:

IAAC guidelines.png

For more information please refer to their guide at https://www.wearealiveand.social/hive-155221/@wearealive/we-are-alive-tribe-the-guide
