
Esencial to all is exploring the world and living new experiences, especially when they are in the first years of life.
Explorar el mundo y vivir nuevas experiencias es vital, sobre todo, cuando estamos en los primeros años de vida.
In this actual life where the social isolation caused by the pandemic prevailed, what prevailed was him for hosting those meetings to which we were so accustomed.
Currently, despite the fact that we have recovered a bit to normality, nothing has been the same.
My little son was born this time, he has had to learn in different ways and enjoy that contact with his closest relatives a little more: his grandmother, his sister and me -his mother.
We are always surprised at how fast our children grow and seeing them as each stage is new and they are overcoming those small challenges, it is a joy for us to sleep but also because they can fulfill each step in the best way.
It was quite unexpected when a neighbor -with whom I have felt quite identified lately- told me that she wanted it to be the birthday party of her youngest daughter, who is just over a month apart from my little one.
My daugther, My Mom and me, went to the party and it was quite an adventure because we didn't know where the place was and when we looked for it on Google Maps it said certain streets and we followed it like that but when I saw that the address was not coherent I started asking people of the area and we ended up arriving without the help of maps.
The place turned out to be very beautiful and peaceful. Since children are so unpredictable, my prince fell asleep and we had to wait a little over forty minutes to see his reaction.
And you will say "why didn't you wake him up?"...
If you ask me that question, you haven't had many small children in charge, because they are unpredictable and it is not convenient to activate a sleepy hyperactive person -in special at a children's party hehehe.

We as cheerleader and the claps was immediate...
The world of the park was opening before his eyes and it was exciting to see how he risked exploring these new places.
The slides were what he devoted most of his attention to and -without forcing him- we helped him use them for the first time.
It's impressive how whenever he explores something new with his sister, it's so easy for him to feel safe. And he is so daring that the slide he liked the most was the spiral one.
With 3 spectators fascinated by our prince, we encouraged him and enjoy when he continue trying.
We made it all a celebration of him trying again.

The time had come to meet another icon of a birthday party...
It was not attractive for him to approach people with so much makeup and color, but since he saw that the children let them draw things on their faces, he approached curious.
So I decided to try to get them to do something for him to get used to, nothing very complicated or take a long time to do because the patience of our children at that age is extremely short.
So we made him a little spider -or that's what we tried- and he kept calm and sounded trying to see how they moved the brush.
Since his sister said he was "guapo", he left the drawing on his cheek but with a scowl on his face. He wanted to touch it before it dried because doesn't like the doubt of not knowing what they put on it. But the final left him alone.

El momento había llegado de conocer otro icono de una fiesta de cumpleaños... Los payasos.
Para él no le resultó atractivo el acercarse a personas con tanto maquillaje y colorido, pero como veía que los niños dejaban que les dibujaran cosas en la cara pues se acercaba curioso. Así que decidí intentar que le hicieran algún detalle para que se fuera acostumbrando, nada muy complicado ni que requiriera de mucho tiempo para hacerse porque la paciencia de nuestros hijos a esa edad es extremadamente corta.
Le hicimos una pequeña araña -o eso fue lo que intentamos- y se mantuvo tranquilo sonó intentando ver cómo movían el pincel.
Como su hermana decía que estaba guapo, él se dejó el dibujo en su cachete pero con cara de pocos amigos. Quería tocárselo antes de que se secara porque no le gusta la duda de no saber qué le han puesto. Pero la final se lo dejó tranquilo.

The food could not be missing!
The snacks were arriving and it was very gratifying to see how they adjusted their size to the children who would attend the party, it was all size small and each bite was suitable for the children to eat without the danger of choking.
Mini pizzas, mini cookies, mini tequeños, mini pancakes, mini stuffed rolls and sticks to mix in pink sauce (tomato sauce with mayonnaise).
All was delicious!
But that's life, our children tend to experience each of the new things that life proposes to them and we can only avoid forcing things, totally in their own time and everyone has their way of spending with them.
We have nothing left but to be your help along the way, the guide in those early stages and to be the ones who applauded your achievements and your falls.

¡No podía faltar la comida!
Fueron llegando los pasapalos y fue muy grato ver cómo ajustaron el tamaño de ellos a los niños que asistirían a la fiesta, todos eran pequeños y cada bocado era apto para que los niños lo comieran sin peligro de atorarse: Mini Pizzas, mini galletas, mini tequeños, mini panquecas, mini pancitos rellenos y palitos para juntar en salsa rosada (salsa de tomate con mayonesa).
¡Todo con mucho sazón de hogar!
Pero así es la vida, nuestros hijos tienden a experimentar cada una de las cosas nuevas que la vida les propone y nosotros solo podemos evitar de forzar las cosas, total en su tiempo y cada quien tiene la manera de pasar con ellas. No nos queda más que ser su ayuda en el camino, la guía en esas primeras etapas y ser quienes aplaudí.os sus logros y sus caídas.

It's all tales!*..THANKS!..* / Hasta aquí el cuento 😉 *..GRACIASSS!..*

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All images are my own. / Todos los separadores, la portada y la firma son de mi propiedad, realizados con ibispaint.
Gif maked by Giphy App after take a video wit my mobile phone. / Los GIF se realizaron luego de grabar un vídeo con mi celular Infinix Hot 11 Pro y se convirtieron en .gif con la App GIPHY.
Original content publish to my social media with the same username. / Contenido original que será promocionado en mis redes sociales con el mismo nombre de usuario.
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