House in Wisconsin (oil painting)


Hi friends!

And so, I finally decided to pick up oil paints!
I really love oil painting, but I've always been apprehensive about it because I thought it was incredibly difficult!
But it turned out that this is a very exciting process!


I decided to start with a simple plot. My Livejournal friendin living in Wisconsin, US, made a beautiful shot of snowy house.
It seemed to me that this is the most suitable reference - a minimum of colors and simple lighting.
To begin with, I made an imprimatura.
I have no canvas for oil painting, I paint on special paper for oil and acrylic

These are my oil paints from Royal Talens and two synthetic brushes


For imprimatura, I took the colors ceruleum blue, ultramarine, grass green and titanium white


Making a sketch, placing a house on the sheet, front trees and large drifts of loose snow in the foreground


I start drawing from the background, from the fir-trees. I use a mix of herbal green and ceruleum blue on the lighted side, in the shade I add ultramarine and a little carmine.
For the house, I take the same mix for the shade, and for the illuminated areas I add yellow cadmium and more white
I paint the windows in the darkest color - a mix of ultramarine and burnt umber.


I decided to warm up the light that falls on the house.
To do this, I mixed cadmium yellow, ocher and scarlet red and strongly diluted all this with titanium white.
I painted snow on the roof with a mix of ceruleum blue and ultramarine (in the shade) and the same mix (cadmium yellow, scarlet red and whitewash) - on lighted areas.
I paint the bushes near the house with a mix of ultramarine pictures.
I also sketch out how the snowdrifts will lie.


And finally, snow.
I mix ceruleum blue, ultramarine, whitewash and carmine for a tree in the shade (and for distant trees that partially fall into the shade), somewhere I add more carmine, somewhere more ultramarine to show uneven lighting from behind the trees.
I paint all the illuminated snow with a mix of white, scarlet red and cadmium yellow. The shadows in a snowdrift are in some places it is a mix of ultramarine and ceruleum blue (the deepest shadows), and somewhere there is added cadmium and diluted with white.


Then the tree in the foreground - the shadow part is painted with burnt umber, and the illuminated part is a mixture of sienna and cadmium yellow.
On the left, I shade a part of the forest behind the house with ultramarine and carmine, in order to more clearly highlight the illuminated side of the house.
And the last bright accent of color is the Christmas wreath above the door.
I paint the wreath itself with the same mix colors that I used to paint the windows, and the decor paint with scarlet red.
And so that the wreath would not be lonely, I decided to add another colorful spot to the picture - an American flag on the roof.


Here is such a my winter house drawing!
I hope you like it too, because I enjoyed painting!))

Have a nice and creative day!



0.051 PAL


Wow this is some beautiful art. And exactly the way I remember my aunts house in upstate Wisconsin. Haven't seen that much snow in any of our villages or cities.
It looks really awesome and it is great to see the process!
Keep up the great work!


0.000 PAL

@andy-plays, thanks a lot!
I live in Russia, and we are not surprised with a lot of snow in winter)))))
But my friendin said they had snowy winters

0.000 PAL

Well, I can imagine, that in some parts of Russia, snow is not really a rare thing, especially in winter. This year, we also had some snow for a few days, but it doesn't happen every year over here. But we have some mountains in the "neighborhood" ;-)

0.000 PAL

We also have mountains very close.
In winter, the snow caps on the peaks are clearly visible
It's so beautiful view!

0.000 PAL

well done and quite good if you've not worked in oil before, the shadows and blues of the snow are really thoughtful, good job @daring-celt

0.000 PAL

@donnadavisart, many thanks!
Yes, I've a little experience of how to mix paints, as I painted pictures with acrylics and gouache)

0.000 PAL

Very useful tutorial and I think even beginners can paint. Is the same process with acrylic paint? I don’t use oil paint because it has a hard time drying and I don’t have a place to store the canvases that are just drying. I know acrylic paint isn’t suitable for painting such beautiful gradients, but I’ve heard of a good alternative, water-based oil paint.

0.000 PAL

А я маслом ещё не пробовала. Краски такие дорогие... Да и холст нужен конечно. У тебя отлично получилось.

0.000 PAL

Спасибо, Света!
Да я писала как-то, что закупилась однажды рисовальными материалами разными, году в 2011-м.
Вот так они у меня с тех пор и лежат.
Периодически достаю и что-нибудь изображаю.
Масляные краски по моей просьбе подружка в Москве купила - хорошие краски, оказывается, известный голландский бренд худ.товаров.
И бумагу я из того же магазина выписывала - специальная, для масла и акрила, с каким-то водостойким покрытием.

0.000 PAL

Sometimes I wonder if artists ever miss details . Their works are always detailed in all ramification and this oil painting of yours isn’t an exception .. Cheers to more of this inspiring and aesthetic work of art..

0.000 PAL

Ух ты, настоящая зимняя картина! Здорово получилось, Гера :)

0.000 PAL

Спасибо, Наташа!
Оказывается, маслом писать не менее интересно, чем акрилом!)))

0.000 PAL

Так техники похожи ведь) Просто акрил гораздо быстрее сохнет, ну и еще некоторые нюансы. А что это за бумага у тебя такая? Ни разу не писала маслом на бумаге, интересно!

0.000 PAL

Так и называется "Для масла и акрила".
У Fabriano, кстати, тоже такая линейка есть.

0.003 PAL

Какая светлая и жизнерадостная картина. Зима в Простоквашино прям! А я как-то давно маслом не писал. Надо раскупорить все свои тюбики, так как есть незаконченные работы.

0.000 PAL

Спасибо, Юрий!
Я ещё в прошлом году задумывалась о том, что неплохо бы, впридачу ко всем другим рисовальным инструментам, ещё и с масляными красками подружиться)
Вот, наверное, пришло время и для них!))))

0.000 PAL