Autumn Sketches_2021. #1


Hi friends!

Once again I try to start a drawing project every day.
This is very difficult considering my digital drawing speed. But who said that the difficult is impossible?

So, I found a suitable challenge on Pinterest and picked up a pen...
After I was busy working in the garden all summer and never painted! I wanted to start with some simple plot.
Acorn was the first topic of the day - what could be simpler?))


I started my drawing in Paint Tool SAI 2 (in my usual drawing program) wiht Sketch Brush


Drew somethine like that


Then I usually choose a suitable color palette.
I liked this combination.


To create the background, I paint with a brush Oils Rough


and Watercolor Brush as a blender


For background I used some green tints


For painting I choose a brush with strokes as a realistic marker


Used other contrast colors I drew a branch with acorns, sometime changed blend mode for brush strokes to create a different planes of leaves arrangement.


To create the effect of depth of space and make the picture more romantic, on a new layer I paint imitation of bokeh (with Oils Rough brush and different size options)


Then I change the blending mode for this layer to Shade\Shine and reduce an opacity to 40%
It revived the picture a little.



Then I realized that I didn't like the uniformity of the shades at all.
And I applied color correction to the background layer using Filter - Color Adjust - Hue / Saturation

Yes, that's much better!


It's ready art!


The continuation of the autumn sketches will be tomorrow!

Have a nice and creative day!


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