VIBES WEB-3 MUSIC COMPETITION WEEK 11 - "There is a King in You" || Voice-Piano by @Daniky [ENG-ESP]


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Have you ever felt depressed, felt worthless or felt like you are not good enough or better than those around you? This is often due to low self-esteem. Many have become perpetual introverts due to fear of socializing with new friends who they feel are better and may make fun of them.

Hello and welcome to my page. I'm @daniky and this is my entry to the vibes web3 music contest for week 11. Today I'm presenting a song titled "There's a King in You." This is a song by a popular music artist named Donald Lawrence." This song is a call to let us know who we are. Its purpose is to build a healthy self-esteem in those who feel they're less better. You are bold and better because In you, there is a King. Kindly sing with me as I proceed in the video above. Below is the source to the song and lyrics.


"There is a King in you"
song by Donald Lawrence
Lyrics source

You come from Royalty,
An aristocratic dynasty.
The goal of the enemy,
Is that you don't know who you are.
There's power when you speak.
Be mindful of words you release.
I know that life has challenged you,
But the King in me speaks to the King in you.
You were born to rule.
There is a king in you. [Repeat]

Is there no King in you,
Then why do you speak, speak with such defeat.
Is there no King in you,
Then why do you speak, speak with such low esteem.

I know that life has challenged you,
But the King in me speaks to the king in you.
You were born to rule.
There is a King in you.

There is a King in you [repeat w/ invert]

This is my entry to vibes web3 music competition week 11. To participate in this challenge kindly subscribe to the "Vibes community on hive and discord. Open an account on 3speak and follow the vibes community for more updates.

Thank you for your time and have an amazing moment.

CONCURSO DE MÚSICA VIBES WEB-3 SEMANA 11 - "Hay un Rey en ti" || Presentación de voz y piano por @Daniky

¿Alguna vez te has sentido deprimido, inútil o que no eres lo suficientemente bueno o mejor que quienes te rodean? Esto muchas veces se debe a una baja autoestima. Muchos se han vuelto introvertidos perpetuos por miedo a socializar con nuevos amigos que consideran mejores y pueden burlarse de ellos.

Hola y bienvenido a mi página. Soy @daniky y esta es mi entrada al concurso de música vibes web3 de la semana 11. Hoy presento una canción titulada "Hay un rey en ti". Esta es una canción de un artista musical popular llamado Donald Lawrence." Esta canción es un llamado a hacernos saber quiénes somos. Su propósito es construir una autoestima saludable en aquellos que sienten que son menos mejores. Eres audaz y mejor porque en ti hay un rey. Por favor canta conmigo mientras prosigo en el video de arriba. A continuación se muestra la fuente de la canción y la letra.


"Hay un Rey en ti"
canción de Donald Lawrence
[Fuente de la letra] (

Vienes de la realeza,
Una dinastía aristocrática.
El objetivo del enemigo,
Es que no sabes quién eres.
Hay poder cuando hablas.
Sea consciente de las palabras que suelta.
Sé que la vida te ha desafiado,
Pero el Rey en mí le habla al Rey en ti.
Naciste para gobernar.
Hay un rey en ti. [Repetir]

¿No hay rey en ti?
Entonces, ¿por qué hablas? Hablas con tanta derrota.
¿No hay rey en ti?
Entonces por qué hablas, hablas con tan baja estima.

Sé que la vida te ha desafiado,
Pero el Rey que hay en mí le habla al rey que hay en ti.
Naciste para gobernar.
Hay un Rey en ti.

Hay un Rey en ti [repetir con inversión]

Esta es mi entrada a la semana 11 del concurso de música Vibes Web3. Para participar en este desafío, suscríbete a la "comunidad Vibes en Hive y Discord. Abre una cuenta en 3speak y sigue a la comunidad Vibes para obtener más actualizaciones.

Gracias por tu tiempo y que tengas un momento increíble.

▶️ 3Speak


A lot of people need to know that there is a king in them, so that when challenges comes and makes them feel low of themselves, they would remember that there is a king in them.
Beautiful song, nice entry.
You played beautifully too.


Definitely many people needs to know. Thank you so much for your presence and awesome comment @jessicaossom.


Ohh, thank you @daniky for reminding and edifying us with this beautiful sound music. Cool voice and Advanced piano chord play sir.. Remain blessed boss
