Discovering Flamerock Refuge in Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep


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I have missed Borderlands 🤪

Damn, it seriously has been far too long since I have played a Borderlands/Wonderlands game. I can remember spending so many hours playing through the original Borderlands game with multiple characters. Then I had a blast playing split-screen co-op in Borderlands 2 with one of my roommates during college. That was probably the last time that I enjoyed some consistent couch co-op gaming. I grew up with that kind of stuff, but online gaming has just taken over. That and narrative-driven single-player experiences. Borderlands games are one of the few options left for some split-screen action.

I also like to credit Borderlands for being the game that in my mind started the whole looter shooter genre. Not sure if they are actually the originators, but I cannot remember a game before Borderlands that had me obsessed with the way the whole loot grind mechanics work.

Assault On Dragon Keep is actually a lot of fun. I've been finding it to be pretty challenging in the beginning stages. My weapons and character are both pretty weak, but the bad guys don't hold back because of that.

I believe that Flamerock Refuge is going to be one of the main hub areas for trading and recovering from exploring. It is a pretty cool little area filled with giant pumpkins. I am really liking the overall vibes of Tiny Tina's Wonderland.

One of my favorite parts of this game is how the story combines elements of tabletop gaming into video games. Tiny Tina makes up the story as you go along and things can change in the blink of an eye. I have never been a tabletop gamer, but I have always appreciated the creative opportunities that tabletop offers my fellow nerds.

There is quite a bit of action in this video today. I am surprised that I wasn't immediately turned off by how old this game is. I'm not sure if I will be playing it all of the way through, but for now, it is satisfying my urge for an open-world FPS RPG game with plenty of loot.


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0.033 PAL


:) that game looks pretty fun. i like the vending machines there..

0.000 PAL

It is good, but I couldn't sink more than a few hours into it thanks to all of the other amazing games out there. Wait until you see the next few games I am starting.

0.000 PAL