Hive and Hive-Engine Success: 500 POB Tokens Staked — Micro Goals Matter!

Today I reached another "tiny milestone" on my Hive and Hive Communities journey:

As a result of my most recent post reaching rewards time, I passed the goal of having 500 Hive-Engine POB tokens staked — 555, to be precise!


Maybe that sounds insignificant in the greater scheme of things — at least for most people — since it's only about $8.80 in fiat money right now, but I strongly believe that having (and making it to) attainable milestones on your journey, matters.

Sure, it's great to set a goal of "making a million dollars" but if you don't create smaller objectives along the way, you'll end up increasing your likelihood of failure, for no reason other than not ever recognizing and reflecting your own progress.

The psychology of it all is that when you put all your focus on something that likely will be unattainable for years and years it's easy to get discouraged... and we generally operate at our best when there are visible and tangible rewards for sticking to a plan.

Consider the difference between having a yardstick (or one-meter long) ruler that has no markings at all, the only thing you know is its total length. Not very useful, right? But if you have lots of fractional measurements printed on the ruler/yardstick, it becomes far more useful.


Although I didn't formally have a goal number for POB tokens in 2022, I'm still choosing to note this "micro goal" (because its a nice round number) as something that can be checked off a greater "progress report" represnting my time in the Hive ecosystem, and which I expect will stretch many years out into the future.

This is actually my second "micro goal" reached recently — a couple of weeks back, I reached 250 Hive Power, which was actually my goal for the end of 2022, as we set it at the beginning of the year. Actually, I guess that makes it a bit more than a "micro goal!"


Although not at all related to my reaching a new goal with my POB journey, it has been cool to see that the POB token — once upon a time a Hive-Engine "high flyer" — is starting to show signs of life again. after a long spell in the doldrums!

I always liked the POB community, and it saddened me to see it struggle so much. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a return to brighter days!


Anyway, since I am no longer actively pursuing PALNet, I have decided to send most of my posts from this point forward through the Proof of Brain Community Site because it only makes sense to me to support the communities you're invested in.

I wish more people did...

And on that light note, I'm going to head back to my naptime — I am a cat, after all!


Posted using Proof of Brain


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