Hail of Lead: Call of Juarez (Episode 2)

Authored by @Curacer

Whatttsssuuupp Gamers and Hivers!

Im back with another episode of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger today! I also managed to get my microphone up and running so I do have some dialogue during the video. It might make it feel more interactive while watching the video, well it certainly makes me feel less lonely while I am recording the video.

Keep in mind that this will be the first time ever recording with a microphone for me! So I might end up sounding cringe or stupid but what the hell why not!

If you somehow missed the first episode check it out.

Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger (Billy The Kid: Episode One)

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So starting of where we left, naturally. The young lad seemed real interested now and things were getting hot and blazing

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Got Locked Up!

At the ending of the last episode I got knocked out cold and woke up in a prison cell. It seems like I wasn't the only one Billy The Kid got locked up with me!

Well what do you know, atleast I aint alone in this one.

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Billy Made His Escape.

Shortly after waking up in the stinking prison cell I heard a big ruckus going on outside and then all of a sudden Bang Bang Bang

Billy made his escape, by the rumors going around he had a lady friend helping him out. Happy for him.

But as I contemplated what I was going to do next to get out of this absolute shit show I was in.

Through the window came the keys to my prison cell, I knew right there and then it was Billy helping me out here.

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Bob Ollinger's Shotgun

So what do we have here! Bobs old shotgun heh heh heh!

The 10 gauge whitney shotgun! This puppy is loud as thunder and can cut a man clean in half! Or so they claim.

Testing it out on my first victim it proved faithful to its cause of cutting them men in half!

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Heavy Lead Battles

After my initial escape from the prison cell the running wasn't over I still had to escape from the town I was in. Seeing that it was a very small town absolutely everyone was on alert and on the lookout for me!

I have no doubts that I might have killed most of the men in this town!

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The Duel With Bob

Finally we came to the big boss. I wonder where he was during all of the initial fighting! Probably hiding in a attic somewhere until he realized that he was the last sucker left!

Okay so he did manage to pop me the first try! But I got him that second time!

I did have a dishonorable kill on this bastard! Although by looking at him I really doubt that he deserved a honorable kill. I mean he is a Supposed Sheriff but he looks so damn sloppy with his beer belly hanging out.

No honorable kill this time!

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Finishing level 2 off with

Enemies Killed: 35
Accuracy: 54% (Booo)
Nuggets of Truth Found: 2/4

Bob was dishonorably killed in a duel.

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