Exorde: Fake news is basically a product of information, the truth in the structure of which is partially contained or completely absent.


Today, it is enough to log on to the Internet, and soon a bunch of screaming headlines will appear: "Terrible news about ...", "The world shudders to find out ..." and much more fake news with clickbait titles.
Fake news is inherently information products, the truth in the structure of which is partially contained or completely absent. The main danger lies in the fact that false news is similar to ordinary news, because of this, ordinary people easily take it for the truth and actively spread it. Even one small message can lead to devastating results.

Fake news used to be rumors, then they turned into texts. With the development of technology, the distortion of information began to occur through images using Photoshop or edited videos. Today, everything becomes fake - from audio messages to calls and so on. And all this lies look very realistic.
“Constructing fake news is cheaper and faster than digging up an interesting news story and preparing a full-fledged journalistic material,” Maxim Grachev (reputation marketing specialist at Sidorin Lab) once said. Fake news is thought to be some new Internet-related phenomenon, but in fact, similar manipulation of public opinion has been going on for millennia. Gossip comes closest to fake news. But if earlier the goal “to evoke emotions in the listener and spread gossip further” concerned a small circle of addressees - some social community (several houses, a village, an enterprise, a school), now all this is available to a huge number of users. On the Internet, it all started with bots that replaced the activity of real people. Then a more advanced approach emerged that allowed one operator to work with a large number of fake accounts. In recent years, everything has been moving towards the fact that entire channels and even separate social networks have been created to spread disinformation and propaganda. Fake news is used not so much to exchange information as to earn money (money, authority, popularity).

