[ENG/DEU] I have bought almost 1 million CCD tokens in the last 24 hours
The daily CCD consumption of Hivians is higher than the CCD output. Added to this is the "CCD Repurchase & Burn" campaign. As already announced in the last article of the “CCD Repurchase & Burn” series, there will now be a small supplementary post on this. The situation was:Someone (I know who, of course) decided to leave the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool yesterday and subsequently offered his CCD for sale on the market - at a price that was even below the pool price. Around 590,000.0 CCD at a price of 234 HIVE; at a price of 0.00039682. Why below the pool price? Because if the Hivian had swapped this amount in the pool, he would have received less SWAP.HIVE.
Of course, I took advantage of this opportunity and pulled up some funds from Binance. And in the end, I didn't just buy this position, I bought everything up to a price of 0.001. As part of this, I bought just over 900,000.0 CCD.
I took this action about 24 hours ago and of course this price jump attracted attention. I don't want to give too many details, but so far I have taken almost 1,000,000 CCD from the market. The current status is that we have moved over 193 USD / 404 HIVE in the last 24 hours. As you might expect, the price in the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool has of course also risen - which is a very good preparation for the new cycle, which starts tomorrow/the day after tomorrow. I will report more on the new pool cycle tomorrow.
Right now, I just wanted to tell you that we have made another step on the way to “Make CCD 0.001 Again”. And anyone who remembers the article “MEGA BURN” from a few days ago will know that this million is a very relevant factor. (Even though the article is now a few days old, it lists the current situation and CCD distribution - well worth knowing, as we are a long way from the 34 million CCDs shown in the HE front end).
I could write more, but I don't want to give too much away. One hint, however: as followers of @CryptoCompany have certainly noticed in recent weeks, we are on a new offensive - and there is still “a lot” to come ;-).
Aktuell sind wir ja an mehreren Stellen dabei, dem CCD seinen ursprünglichen Wert wiederzugeben.Der tägliche CCD-Konsum von Hivians ist höher als der CCD-Ausstoß. Hinzu kommt die Aktion "CCD Repurchase & Burn". Wie bereits im letzten Artikel der "CCD Repurchase & Burn" Serie angekündigt, soll es nun einen kleinen Ergänzungspost dazu geben. Die Situation war:
Irgendjemand (ich weiß natürlich wer) hat sich gestern entschlossen den CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool zu verlassen und folgend seine CCD auf dem Markt zum Kauf angeboten - zu einem Preis, der sogar unter dem Pool-Preis lag. Rund 590.000,0 CCD zu einem Preis von 234 HIVE; zu einem Preis von 0,00039682. Warum unter dem Pool-Preis? Weil wenn der Hivian diese Menge im Pool geswappt hätte, er weniger SWAP.HIVE erhalten hätte.
Diese Chance habe ich natürlich genutzt und mir ein paar Finanzen von Binance herangezogen. Und am Ende habe ich nicht nur diese Position gekauft, sondern alles hoch bis zu einem Preis von 0,001. Im Rahmen dessen habe ich knapp über 900.000,0 CCD gekauft.
Diese Aktion habe ich vor etwa 24 Stunden getätigt und natürlich hat dieser Kurssprung Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Ich will nicht zu viele Details kundtun, aber bis jetzt habe ich sodann fast 1.000.000 CCD vom Markt geholt. Aktueller Status ist, das wir damit über 193 USD / 404 HIVE in den letzten 24 Stunden bewegt haben. Wie zu vermuten ist, ist natürlich auch der Preis im CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool angestiegen - was eine sehr gute Vorbereitung ist für den neuen Zyklus, welcher ab morgen/übermorgen beginnt. Mehr zum neuen Pool-Zyklus berichte ich aber morgen.
Jetzt und hier wollte ich euch nur berichten, das wir einen weiteren Stein auf dem Weg zu "Make CCD 0.001 Again" getätigt haben. Und wer sich an den Artikel "MEGA BURN" von ein paar Tagen erinnert, weiß, dass diese Million ein durchaus relevanter Faktor ist. (Auch wenn der Artikel nun schon ein paar wenige Tage alt ist, listet er die aktuelle Situation und CCD-Verteilung - durchaus wissenswert, da wir weit von den 34 Millionen CCD entfernt sind, die im HE-Frontend angezeigt werden.)
Ich könnte noch mehr schreiben, will aber nicht zu viel verraten. Einen Hinweis jedoch: wie Follower von @CryptoCompany sicherlich in den letzten Wochen bemerkt haben, sind wir in einer neuen Offensive - und da kommt noch "so manches". ;-)
Any questions?
Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!
See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your day!
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Here are our articles from the last 7 days:
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Pole Dance Table 01 for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or ...
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #27 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
• @brobang | [ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 24 is over, 25 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #26 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Picture Frame 01 for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or ...
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #25 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #24 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] 3 HSBI today for the last post. And for this one? Grab them! Read On & WIN!
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Lodge stand 01 for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or ...
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #23 | Vote This = I Buy & Burn CCD Token!
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #22 | Vote This & Boost Your Token!
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Magnifier for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing ...
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] You Have Earned It ... 4 HSBI today. And tomorrow? Grab them! Read On & ...
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Apartment & Workplace Found - but Without Music
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Do You Smoke Pot? You Have Earned It ... I Meant The 3 HSBI. Grab It! Read ...
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Fridge for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing ...
• @cryptocompany | LIL: [ENG/DEU] Clock for LMAC & Writing About CryptoCompany or Designing ...
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] "CCD Repurchase & Burn" #21 | 3 Weeks now! Vote This & Boost Your ...
Thank you for the information.
[@PowerPaul:] Thank you for your support!
I am not sure that I know this token. I will check it in hive engine
[@PowerPaul:] That's a good idea! I "assume" ;-) the price will rise. (As you saw thru this posting here or the other linked postings.) But if you like, you don't have to buy CCD. You can earn it via delegating HP. See here: https://cryptocompany.ceo/delegationdynasty.php and spend them in the voting service here: https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. The ROI is pretty high - I assume this voter has the best price/performance ratio on our blockchain.
I think the best way to go is, buy a few CCD to stake them (to enable a higher vote percentage on the voter - all info behind the link I gave you), but receive your CCD you need for the daily usage of the voter via delegation. I think this is the best way to go.
If you have any questions... at your service!
See you later!
An Orcastra
Credit: reddit
@katerinaramm, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany
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@cryptocompany, I paid out 0.459 HIVE and 0.201 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.
You can query your personal balance by
Nice grab
I am still at half a million
The resource to buy more will come