Our Colorful Pollinators.
Hey everyone, it's been a while since taking a few epic bee and other pollinators pics, so whilst we have a break in the weather thought it be a nice plan to picture a few.
It never ceases to amaze me how vast the array of pollinators are, as much as I love my bees there are many others, as seen here.
This interesting colorful metallic green "bug" doing the job of our magnificent honey bees..such a gorgeous creature working in harmony with other pollinators on what most classify as "weeds" black Jack flowers make incredible honey too would you believe.
So how would one know what "black Jack honey" tastes like? That's always a loaded question. The general sentiment is where your apiary is, the majority of vegetation in the area be it Salina, fruit trees, or black jacks will be the dominant flavour of the honey.
This area has predominantly fruit trees Salina and indigenous trees' so to say our honey will taste like blackjack just wouldn't be true.
Nature the incredible.
Love light and blessings.
Have a wonderful week.