RE: Threadbare fare with a side of violence fries and a shot of Fireball on the house

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Now you got me wondering, do hangovers get worse with elevation? I'd been wondering if you were still alive and kicking but apparently I should have been wondering where my attention wandered off to.

Are violence fries gluten free? If you're not smoking unfiltered Camels does it even count as chain smoking?


do hangovers get worse with elevation

They're easier to get if you're not used to drinking at elevation, because dehydration occurs faster as you get higher. Pretty sure I've been perpetually dehydrated for the last eight years or so since I've mostly only been drinking beer and coffee.

The violence fries are not gluten free but the cigarettes are. I can't remember if Camel blues are filtered or not but let's go with yes so I can say I wasn't chain smoking and feel better about all the damage I've probably done to my internal organs.

I'd been wondering if you were still alive and kicking

Me too. I haven't had much interest in writing lately and that's usually a bad sign. Maybe I'll write something about how I never feel like writing anything anymore and find a way to blame my creative burnout on people who have different opinions than I do. The world would be a much better place and my mental wellbeing would dramatically improve if it weren't for all these asshats who drive Teslas like they're somehow saving the environment and walk around wearing neon-rimmed glasses without any lenses and inquire as to whether any of the food I'm preparing has pine nuts in it because they're deathly allergic to pine nuts and also their kids can't have anything with dairy in it because dairy will kill them. Thanks for the breakdown you pricks. It's your fault I keep drinking and smoking too much. When the aliens land I'm going to tell them that you're the ones who sent the delusional xenophobic radio signals and then I'm going to watch and smile as they laser beam all of your tiny homes and Sprinter vans and boring cookie cutter condos into oblivion. Once the dust settles I might even turn it into a short story of some kind. That would be original for sure. Where's my notebook.


Whatever you do, don't stop the coffee. My old roommate attempted to subsist solely on Sierra Nevada Torpedos, made it a little over a month before it put him in the hospital. I still only remember to drink water when my head starts hurting. That liquid IV bullshit is actually quite handy for that sort of thing.

Camel blues are definitely filtered, the nonfilters cost about twice as much as a pack of filtered smokes. Hell, y'alls smokes are nearly twice the cost as cigs here, I think that makes chain smoking hurt more.

haven't had much interest in writing lately

Usually a good indication I've found a new substance to abuse. Or else can't find the proper packaging for my vitriol.

Don't you just love the 'service industry'? "I'm deathly allergic to mushrooms, make sure they're only on his side of the pizza." Fucking hell, I set out to be a nature photographer just to get away from people. Don't forget to take photos when Skynet shoots it out with the aliens!


Don't you just love the 'service industry'?

I don't know how front of house does it. I would probably assault someone on my first day if I had to be a server.



Substance abuse. You gots to be nice to the peoples to get their money so that you can buy the things that help you cope with having to deal with asshats all day. Lather, rinse, repeat. I spent over a decade working front of house, mostly serving, and I don't think I could do it again. Lol, I did have one job where I got told I didn't have to wait on cops anymore, apparently I didn't do a very good job of disguising my hostility.


No one should have to disguise their hostility toward cops. Nice of that place to let you opt out of serving them :D


I thought the post was awesome, but this comment wins!

Just thinking about you, thought I'd stop by. If you were thinking about coming back from your hiatus, figured I'd confirm it's the right thing to do :0) It took me a long time to get back into the swing here. Dealing with burnout sucks, more even than the disillusionment of people and their ridiculousness.

I think I finally made it to the top of the mountain, the perspective from here is so much better. I no longer despise people for being so silly, in an earlier incarnation I was them, I'm sure of it. Some of us have just lived more lifetimes and our spirits remember them, so I can give the babies a pass ;)


Hey I'm glad you enjoyed the show :) And I appreciate you stopping by with an encouraging comment. I don't know if I'll ever get back to regular writing here. If I do, it will be a spontaneous thing. I'll wake up one day and realize I need to write, and then it will happen. And maybe I'll also get to that point of not despising people so much. I bet it feels good to be there. I wonder if/how that mindset would impact my writing style.
