Oops - Forgot the Tooth Fairy
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to admit a mistake - I forgot the tooth fairy LOL

Oops - Forgot the Tooth Fairy
My son is of the age, although that is getting closer to ending.. where he still is believing in the wonders of the world like the Tooth Fairy. At the same time though.. there are cracks in that facade happening, and I didn't help with one of the cracks the other day hahaha.
Since my son lost his first tooth, I've been the one to handle all of the tooth fairy stuff. My wife got this really cool tiny pillow that we put his tooth in and he tucks it underneath his pillow at night before he goes to bed. I don't remember how many teeth he's lost so far, but it's been a few. I did great on all of those times.. except for the other day!
I can make excuses or justifications all I want but the simple matter of the fact is that I forgot to take care of it before I fell asleep. I feel bad that I slipped up and as soon as my son woke up, he immediately looked under his pillow and that's when I thought "SHIT I FORGOT!" and instantly felt bad. I did make up an excuse, but kind of a lame one. It's been VERY cold here so I said that the tooth fairy can't fly when it's as cold as it is outside hahaha. I think he bought it.. for now at least.
I definitely felt bad though because these things are what we do for our kids to help them feel the magic and wonder of the world as long as they can. The wider world is an ugly place full of ugly people and situations. We, as parents, are responsible for making sure that we protect our kids from that to as reasonable extent as we can. We can't shelter them completely and turn them into the pathetic adult-children that are running around right now in many parts of the Western countries but we should try to foster and protect their innocence and magical thoughts as much as we can.
My wife and I have debated if we end the different things like tooth fairy, easter bunny and santa but it goes back to knowing that these things are coming to an end but trying to make sure that we do what we can to give him an ideal child experience for as long as we can. I know that even when he doesn't believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny or santa any longer I will still do these things for him. I remember my mom would do these things even after I finished my belief in them and yes it was obvious but it was also funny and it was a fond memory of mine to still get a little money from the tooth fairy, aka my parents, as I got older. I would love to still do those things for my son just as a way to help remind him of how important it is to have an imagination and what it does to help protect our minds from the ugly of the world.
I made up for it the night after the mistake and gave him a little bit more money than what he normally would have gotten - plus a note from the tooth fairy apologizing for having my wings frozen and not being able to fly and visit him to grab the tooth. Let's see how it goes haha, as of the writing of this post I am going to do that in a little bit!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Haha... I've done that a few times recently as well! The girls have had trouble sleeping, and by the time they do conk out, I've also fallen asleep as well!
Haha yeah that wasn't the case for me this time but that has happened to me before!
How old is your son? It looks like it's fall season at your place. It's nice that you are motivating your child's imagination. Do you know that when you raise a child with a good imagination, they will develop strong emotional intelligence one day when they grow up? 😉
Yeah absolutely it's important to raise kids with good imaginations! There are so many benefits to that long term it's remarkable.
It isn’t autumn where we are, those pictures are from a few years ago but I do like to just pop in a few random pictures from my travels in my writing. It’s a lot more fun than stock images from some website!
Good luck on your journey with your kid! I love autumn among all the seasons, it's nice you included those old photos in your writing.
This is cute. Poor tooth fairy. Having to fly under such circumstances, frozen wings and all.
Reminds me of one of my fav Dutch children's books that I actually rediscovered a year and a half ago and re-read ( at the age of 40 ). The book is called Nachtverhaal ( Night Story /Bedtime story ) and talks about a gnome, living in a dollhouse in the attic of an old lady's house ( who doesn't know about that ).
One night, he is visited by a beautiful but wounded fairy, with broken wings. She starts telling him a story that enchants him but then fades out in the morning. He becomes enchanted and wants to hear more and thus lets her sleep on his couch, night after night, forgetting about his own life and responsibilities.
Haha that's an interesting story and one that has some learning in it for sure. Sounds like the fairy is a bit of a succubus draining the guy from normal life!
This made me remember when I believed the stories of tooth fairy
Everything is with time and I’m sure he will grow with time so you won’t have to handle that anymore
Yeah I know he will eventually grow out of it but I won't force him to do that. He will get there when he's ready!
This is really looking so precious and something to admire and behold about
Such things as the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and others are the delights of children at such an age and it provides them with real fun. It's good your son is finding joy believing in them. I guess we are meant to do things that are meant for any age when we are at that age otherwise will miss out on a lot of fun. I think you should have told him the truth after you forgot the tooth fairy. Bit all the same... Thanks for writing.
Yeah it's important to let them enjoy their childhood and innocence as long as we can. It's an ugly world out there but if we are able to give them a bit of shelter from it in a reasonable fashion - it's good for them in the long run!
I wouldn't have told him the truth even though I forgot. It's something he will get to and we will confirm with him in due time. He has asked about it once or twice already to ask if the tooth fairy and other things like that are fake or not. He was still a little too young to admit it so we lied but eventually he will get to where we can tell him honestly.
been there! had to find a lame excuse as well...
now my youngest is almost 12yo, he already knows these wonders are not real, but he does't forget to ask me for the tooth fairy money when he looses a tooth.
Hahaha yeah the benefits of knowing the truth.. but also knowing that your parents are more likely to give you a little money for a tooth!
The trees inside this season look very beautiful especially the trees with different color leaves and all these pictures are very nice and I am very happy to see them.