Hiking Trail Stewardship


Hi fellow Outdoorsmen,

Today I wanted to chat a little bit about what I think is important for us: stewardship!


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Hiking Trail Stewardship

I bet you're wondering what the hell I mean about stewardship? That has been something that I've been thinking about for several months now, but really started to act about it before I could determine what I meant.

In this area, what I'm referring to is trying to not only clean up the trails that we use for hiking, be it to just do hiking or often in my case, a little hike to get to a fishing spot with my son. That hiking and cleaning has many different aspects to it though, not just cleaning up the trash which is a given and obvious thing. What I've also been making a point of doing is keeping the trail in fucking check!


There is one thing that annoys me, and that's when a hiking trail gets really overgrown. I don't know if that's just a grumpy old man type of thing, but if I see w well worn hiking trail, one of the things that confuses me is why people let the shit at the periphery of the trail get out of hand?! It's a hiking trail, it's meant to be used. The least we could do is keep the trail a little bit manicured!

I think a little bit last year, but really starting this year, I've made it a point to always keep a pair of garden scissors with me when I'm out on my hikes! I trim those fucking trees and bushes back with a vengeance. I don't go nuts and trim it right down to the base and let the thing die. No I trim all of the branches that are facing the hiking path that are going to whack me in the face or hit my son when he's walking in front or behind me. I think this is an important thing that we can do to keep the trails in good working condition!


Not many people love to go down into an area and just go straight up bush whacking and creating their own hiking path. Yeah I enjoy it every now and then but for me, it's not as fun because I'm worried about the shit I can't see, namely the fucking ticks that are all over the damn place in that situation. At least on a hiking path, I have less chance of getting a tick because I'm walking along a path that's pretty well shaped and there usually isn't much to give the sons-a-bitches a spot to get into me. We also have been wearing a healthy layer of essential-oil based, DEET free bug spray that supposedly the ticks hate. I have had good luck with it so far, and namely the little man has been good with it as well so that's a win.

To the original thought about the post though, I think that it's important for us to take care of the hiking trails, the fishing spots, the places that we like to go and that means not only cleaning up the human trash but also doing a good job of keeping the trees and nature elements at bay. We all know how quickly nature tends to grow back, so it's important to be able to take a hiking path and just walk on it with our pair of scissors and just clip the things that are going to hit us. I think this type of management is also healthy and helpful for the trees. I think when we actively shape a plant like a tree, it helps them grow in directions that do not get in the way of things that don't want it there, such as humans for example.


The main thing I have to do now is get the little man a pair of his own scissors! He is always taking mine which is fine with me, except that I'm always going back on the trail or fishing spot and cleaning up the stuff that he couldn't reach just yet lol. He's growing like a weed himself though, so it won't be very long before he will be as tall as me, and taller!

What do others think, am I wrong in thinking that we should be actively managing these wonderful natural areas? Or should we let it go wild and have us adjust to the wild element of it?

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0.082 PAL


Hi I'm here to warn you that I can no longer follow you. I hope you don't mind. Unfortunately I have to reduce the people I follow to try not to neglect everyone like I'm doing now

0.000 PAL

Dude yes! I’ve been recently formulating a plan to clean up the lake where I play my songs! This kind of thinking is critical man. If everyone had it on their heart to act as a steward of the land around them at any given time, I really think we’d see tremendous change in the world. I’m glad you’re out there stewarding brother!

0.000 PAL

That's great dude, I know the land can certainly use a little help in being managed! Harbor freight tools garden scissors, the green ones, are like 3.99 and sharp as fuck! Pick up a pair but just be careful! After writing this I was on an adventure with the little man and nature shit on me, I got poison ivy hahaha.

0.000 PAL

Oh shit man, that’s the worst! I remember clearing a bunch of felled trees once (actually this happened several times cuz I’m about as smart as a dog 🤣), carrying logs in my bare shoulders with poison ivy vines that were seriously 2-3” in diameter…dude I had it in my eyes, my face, on my nuts and even my ass cheeks 🤣🤣 …I love getting out in nature, and stewarding and teaching my kids, but when it comes to poison ivy, I’m not envious of that!

0.000 PAL

Hahaha shit man.. I thought I had it bad on my forearm which eventually spread to my side and ribs. On your balls and ass?! Damn that’s rough. Did you soak in oatmeal baths all day to get rid of the itch?! Lol. Chlorine and salt water really helped dry that shit out for me thank god! Lol

0.000 PAL

Personally, I scratch it til it bleeds, on repeat until it’s too scabby to itch. Not a smart approach, but definitely on par with dog-level intelligence 🤣

0.000 PAL

Hahaha I didn’t think that was an option, the only thing that happened for me is the fucking shit kept spreading and it was pissing me off. Then my wife was pissed that I would be spreading it to her and my son so I had to go hazmat and wrap my arm in gauze LOL

0.000 PAL

LOL! Sounds like my wife! Stop scratching that crap, you’re gonna spread it to the whole family!!! …ok, ok, I’ll stop…scratching after I just…AAAAH!!!! YESSS!!!! …ok I’m done, now that the pain outweighs the itching. Well, done for the moment anyway 😂

0.000 PAL

One of the things that helped me was boiling it off in the shower lmao. I turned the water up super hot and grabbed the shower head off the hook and put that shit 2 inches from my arm. Felt amazing and then my skin was beat red for like 20 minutes hahaha.

We were at Myrtle beach last week dude, we might go back in March. It would be cool to meet up for lunch or something when we go back! We have a good lay of the land around there now so we feel better about making friend visits I think. It would be awesome!

0.000 PAL

That actually sounds pretty refreshing, burning it out like that. You can tell it’s working cuz it hurts :)

Myrtle is like 40 minutes from me, no big deal! My friend across the street (actually, the dude who took me out to see all those waterfalls in Asheville) just went there last week to go crib shopping…apparently that’s the closest place to find a baby outlet lol - anyway, yeah man, that would be rad!

0.000 PAL

It sounded funny when you said you wanted to revenge to the trees
I also do not like it when I'm hiking and the bush leaves begin to touch me anyhow...

0.000 PAL

Yeah it's not fun when out for a walk on a nature trail and getting hit with the trees and stuff! Easy to just keep some scissors to cut it back a bit!

0.000 PAL