Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 224 - ✨The Invasion✨
Hello and welcome again to another exciting round of the LMAC contest. We have been presented with another image to make a collage with and it (the image) can be found here. Also, my collage is presented below
It was on a certain night, Ann was observing the beautiful night sky but what she didn't realise was that, that would be the beginning of an eventual catastrophe on her own planet. Light-years away from her planet was another planet inhabited by the reptiloids and on a certain day, two gigantic reptiloids got locked in an intense but planet-shattering battle. The battle would eventually lead to the ultimate destruction of the planet. While the battle was ongoing, the rest of the reptiloids had to flee from their planet, in search for a new place to call home. It was however fortunate for them and unfortunate for Ann that her planet was the eventual target. This my brethren was how the invasion of Ann's planet began.
Ook, that's mine for this round of this awesome contest.
Sources of Images for the Collage
Contributed to the #LIL by @quantumg
Have a lovely day and till I come your way again next time.
Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
Comment - constructive criticism is allowed
If you enjoyed my post.
I like it a lot !! Great colors. Clear definition. Interesting 'narrative'.
😄 Love the idea.
What a design
I like these details
Está muy lindo tu collage, suerte en el concurso🤗