Learning new cultures at home 🎃 Esp-Eng


Learning new cultures is part of our cultural integration, however in our country's cultural education programme, Halloween is not allowed to be celebrated.

However, even though it cannot be included in the educational content of the regular school my daughter attends, I have decided that together at home, we will learn about this topic.

It's not just about Celtic demons, evil rites, spooky costumes or trick or treating, which is so appealing to children and so scary to others.



So I have organised a small study plan to cover content of interest on this subject through the integration of various areas such as history, natural sciences, geography, plastic arts and languages, complemented by reading and writing horror stories.

Learning about Halloween is a subject that also has its purpose and benefits that leave significant learning in children from the educational aspect.

This is our week two of this month, where we have socialised different content about this popular holiday that is celebrated in many countries around the world and where many customs and traditions are practiced.




We have identified some of the countries where it is celebrated and of these we have verified their language and location on the world map, we have also investigated a little about autumn, that orange season of the year and its different shades that adorn nature.

This has allowed us to make our comparisons and learn that the same traditions are not carried out everywhere and that there is a real history of the origin of the Halloween festivity.

Playful learning has also been present, through the concepts of maths, science and literature, the latter of which has had an impact not only on reading, but also on writing and illustrating their own horror stories, where not all monsters are bad.


Learning to pronounce Halloween, as well as writing this word and others associated with this holiday has been a new and innovative learning experience, to nurture my daughter's vocabulary, to interact with the English language.

Every time I publish an activity the teacher is fascinated and supports me in the fact that like other holidays, this one should also be celebrated at school in a healthy and fun way, where children learn to regulate their fears as a natural emotion.

Today we had visual arts and as you can see my little girl was very happy, the range of orange, yellow, black and red were present in these very colourful drawings made by my daughter.


She made two drawings, the first one is a landscape with orange trees, carved pumpkins, in the dark forest and a witch's hat on the moon, flying happily through the skies, my daughter's imagination is marvellous.

The second drawing is a little girl vampire pumpkin, she is a vegetarian because she only eats vegetables and among these is her favourite, the pumpkin, so popular for preparing delicious recipes, as well as for carving and decorating.

These drawings are part of a new illustrated story which we will enjoy through the use of her kamichibay that we made at home, for my little storyteller, as soon as I have the story ready, I will be here sharing this experience of terror.


We still have to make crafts to decorate, dramatize a story and make a favourite costume, bake a cake and enjoy the witches' night full of sweets, laughter and a scary story for the end of the night.

This year, as in previous years, it was time to learn about Halloween at home, in a fun and educational way that allowed my daughter to strengthen her cultural integration, valuing, respecting and exchanging customs and traditions in an educational way.

! [Spanish]

Aprendemos sobre nuevas culturas en casa 🎃

Aprender nuevas culturas es parte de nuestra integración cultural, sin embargo en el programa de educación cultural de nuestro país, no se permite celebrar halloween.

Sin embargo aunque no se puede anexar en el contenido educativo en la escuela regular a la que asiste mi hija, he decidido que juntas en casa, aprendamos sobre este tema.

Tema que no solo trata de demonios celtas, ritos malignos, disfraces escalofriantes o el dulce o truco, que tanto llama la atención de los niños y a otros les da tanto miedo.

Asi que he organizado un pequeño plan de estudio para poder abarcar contenido de interés sobre este tema a través de la integración de varias áreas como historia, ciencias naturales, geografía, artes plásticas e idiomas, complementando con lecturas y escrituras de cuentos de terror.

Aprender sobre halloween, es un tema que también tiene su propósito y beneficios que dejan aprendizajes significativos, en los niños desde el aspecto educativo.

Está es nuestra semana dos de este mes, dónde hemos socializado diferente contenido sobre esta festividad popular que se celebra en muchos países del mundo y donde se practican muchas costumbres y tradiciones.

Hemos identificado algunos de los países donde se celebra y de estos hemos verificado su idioma y localización en el mapa mundi, también hemos investigado un poco sobre el otoño, esa estación del año color naranja y sus diferentes matices que adornan la naturaleza.

Lo cual nos ha permitido realizar nuestras comparaciones y aprender que en todas partes no se realizan las mismas tradiciones y que hay una historia real del origen de esta festividad de halloween.

El aprendizaje lúdico también se ha hecho presente, a través de conceptos de matemáticas, ciencias y literatura, está última a tenido un impacto no solo al leer, sino al escribir e ilustrar sus propias historias de terror, en dónde no todos los monstruos son malos.

Aprender a pronunciar halloween, así como escribir está palabra y otras asociadas a esta festividad a sido un nuevo e innovador aprendizaje, para nutrir el vocabulario de mi hija al interactuar con el idioma ingles.

Cada vez que publico alguna actividad la maestra queda fascinada y me apoya en que al igual que otras festividades, está también se debería celebrar en la escuela de una manera sana y divertida, dónde los niños aprendan a regular sus miedos como una emoción natural.

Hoy nos toco artes visuales y como ven mi niña estaba muy contenta, la gama del naranja, amarillo, negro y rojo se hicieron presentes en estos dibujos muy coloridos realizados por mi hija.

Ella realizó dos dibujos el primero un paisaje donde se observan los árboles naranja, las calabazas talladas, en el bosque oscuro y un gorro de una bruja en la luna, que vuela felizmente por los cielos, la imaginación de mi hija es maravillosa.

El segundo dibujo es una niña vampira calabaza, ella es vegetariana por qué solo come vegetales y entre estos está su favorita, la calabaza tan popular para preparar deliciosas recetas, como para tallar y decorar.

Estos dibujos son parte de una nueva historia ilustrada de la cuál disfrutaremos a través del uso de su kamishibay que realizamos en casa, para mi pequeña cuenta cuentos, en cuanto tenga lista la historia, estaré por acá compartiendo esa experiencia de terror.

Nos falta del plan de estudio realizar manualidades para decorar, dramatizar algún cuento y realizar algún disfraz favorito, hornear una tarta y disfrutar de la noche de brujas llena de dulces, risas y algún cuento de terror para el final de la noche.

Este año al igual que los anteriores tocó aprender de halloween en casa, de forma divertida y pedagógica que permite a mi hija fortalecer su integración cultural, valorando, respetando he intercambiando costumbres y tradiciones de forma educativa.

Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart app.



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What a lovely idea. I wonder if many of the people in the countries where it's celebrated even know the full history and culture behind Halloween.


It is important to learn about the cultures of other countries and if we are going to adopt any custom, tradition or festivity, it is best to learn the origin, how? Why and what for? We celebrate this festivity and although it seems scary, I think Halloween is a theme to integrate many areas that allow us to achieve meaningful learning in children.
