The First Place


The love sooner reaping still stand the same. Whatever, Himansu started word. People appreciate this adage to the younger generations in order to release them. Be aware that every course of action, every action. Is looking like this generation doesn’t even care.

Whatever comes out of the wrong actions, illegal act, scamming and fraud starts with a touch of immorality and senselessness already on high rise. They believe that whatever they do. The past is gone in the past, so no one is too young to watch it in the first place. There are also some set of people who make sure that no matter how much you try to talk to them, they will always talk back down on you in order to make them see this larger than life picture that they’re trying to portray.

If you fall victim to this set of people, it will be. Harder to come out because they always from the victim whereas with you. At the victim. The best things to do in this case is to remove yourself from their circles of friends and everything that pertains to them that is one that had known overtime that worked. Your confidence cannot win over this kind of people. They are narcissist in behaviour.

