The Coffee Shop Prompt: No. 1


The Coffee Shop Prompt-2.jpg

Introducing the "Coffee Shop" Prompt

Cinnamon Cup Coffee is always buzzing with events, as we like to keep things fresh and vibrant.

So, with that, welcome to our newest blog prompt with a difference.


This is your chance to feature coffee shops in your community, or anywhere in the world.

What makes this prompt different from all other prompts/events hosted by the community, is that this requires stories about "real" coffee shops that you have visited. Therefore, only original photos that were taken by you (the author) will be accepted.

⚠️ For the entire month of March, #theCoffeeShopPrompt will replace the #spillthebeans and #coffeeconversation events.


Thursday to Wednesday

During this month, a new prompt will be provided on Thursdays, starting at 01:00 UTC and the prompt will be active until 18:30 UTC on Wednesdays.

If any artificial intelligence (AI) photo is presented for this prompt, your post will be muted without notice.


  1. Original Content ONLY (No Fiction, no plagiarism)
  2. Sharp in-focus photos MUST be your own of the coffee shop that you are featuring, NO AI Photos.
  3. Word count of 350 - 1000 words MAX.
  4. Post MUST be in English ONLY
  5. First tag MUST be #tcsp
  6. Post directly to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community.
  7. Your post MUST be a response to the prompt provided. (Do not use this tag otherwise, do not use the tag for your regular coffee posts.)
  8. Post within the countdown timer
  9. General community rules must be adhered to.
  10. No late entry after the prompt is closed.


The Coffee Shop Prompt-3.gif

Have you ever been to a coffee shop that serves the best cappuccino in the damn world? OR Have you been to a shop that has an excellent collection of nicknacks and artefacts? OR Is there a shop in your area that allows you to read books while you have an excellent cup of coffee? ✍️ WRITE A POST SHOWCASING THE COFFEE SHOP IN RESPONSE TO ANY OR ALL OF THE QUESTIONS ABOVE. PHOTOS MUST BE YOUR OWN!!!

C'mon, peeps!

We are looking forward to seeing some amazing coffee shops from around the globe. Just be sure to follow the rules to a tee, and since this is a new prompt, please feel free to ask questions in the community, if there is anything that you are unsure of:)

Cover photo belongs to millycf1976 and other image manipulated using Canva


I only read & speak English. I hate photo dumps I look for effort & personality I mute non-topic entries that use the #spillthebeans tag-2.gif

I only read & speak English. I hate photo dumps I look for effort & personality I mute non-topic entries that use the #spillthebeans tag-3.gif



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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.

0.001 PAL


Thanks again for the invite @millycf1976, just read the rules of the prompt, I think I can join. Written it down in the planner, so hopefully I will add my contribution in the next days. I know the deadline is Monday so will aim before the weekend.

0.000 PAL

Yay! Love the prompt 😍 But there's so much coffee shops here that I love to choose from!

0.000 PAL

Yay! We will out for it. Just remember to review the rules carefully 😁

0.000 PAL

Thank you for the invite! It's really interesting and I'm so excited to blog about it. ;)

0.000 PAL

I thought that you'd like it 😍

0.000 PAL

Now, this is something I can get with, it's a prompt that is right down my alley haha. All I need to do now is find some new coffee shops, make some more frequent visits and compile a few new blog posts.

Cheers people. ☕️

0.000 PAL

Thanks for this. I guess I can contribute something to this... 😊

0.000 PAL

This might be a bit limiting seeing as some of us don't have coffee shops in our areas and have to make our coffee at home

0.000 PAL

That's highly possible and understandable.
I guess you'll be happy when a different kind of prompt comes up, right?
Be sure to check back :)

0.000 PAL

I just have a pending post to publish from a nice cafe I went to recently, so I'll post it here.😉😊☕️

0.000 PAL

That would be good. Just be sure to follow all the rules to the tee, to avoid your post being muted.
Looking forward to seeing it:)

0.000 PAL

Yes, I'll be very good, I'll try to make it nice and to everyone's liking, meanwhile, suspense haha!

0.000 PAL

Very interesting this change, like everything you beautiful girls of this important, enjoyable, fun and exquisite Community do. I hope I can join in the next few days! 🙌 😄 ☕️ 👐

0.000 PAL

It would be great if you do get the chance to.
Be sure to check the rules and the prompt carefully:)

0.000 PAL

Wow. This is actually sad for me. Nothing like coffee shops in my area or Community. But I'll be able to read different experiences!!! ❤️❤️

0.000 PAL

Ah, I'm sorry there's no coffee shop in your area. That's a good business idea there, you know! You could start small, probably take away or delivery, and then maybe a few tables... you never know.
Yes, the blogs are great to read to see all the different coffee shops and treats available.
Be sure to pop back for a different kind of prompt though:)))

0.000 PAL

I thought about it and about to run it by my partner. He is really business oriented and very strategic. I look forward to this honestly. I may have to become a Barista though...

0.000 PAL

Hello coffee lovers ☕ I share with you my entry....let's visit a traditional coffee shop in my town


0.000 PAL

ohmy goodness!! I just read a post today that fits perfectly with so many of these!!!
@simplifylife - look at this! hahahahahaha

come in here and join this with some new shots of your cafe!!!! hahahahahaha

ok - @millycf1976 (by the way - i'm also born in 1976 hehe) I'm not sure if I have anything for this yet -but I'll try my best! hehehehe

I live far away from town - and right now i can't go anyplace - but I wonder... hmmm
well - when I was in London - hehehe.. i'm not sure if I can make it work - but i'll try! LOL

0.000 PAL

@simplifylife provided a nice post to the prompt.
Ok, cool! I like when I meet people born in 1976. I am a July baby 😊
See what you can find... No pressure :)

0.000 PAL

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahaha was that his post ALREADY for th prompt??? ROFLLLLLLLLLLL

is that why it fit so beautifully?!?!? HAHAHAHAHA I FEEL STUPID NOW hahahahaha


I am a July 1976 baby too.

and now i'm freaking out... how close ARE we lady?!?!?!?!!?

I'm a Leo!!!! are you Leo or cancer?!?!?

eeeeeeeeeeeeek what if we are born on the same day?!?!?!?!!

0.000 PAL

geez! No, I'm on the cusp! Cancer, on the 21st 😊😍

0.000 PAL

hehehe you were born 5 days before me!!!

hubby is a cancer on the 18th.

i'm a leo on the 26th hehehe

a leo born in the Year of the Dragon! hehehe how's that for a power pairing! hahaha

not that i really believe in any of that - but its fun to say hehehehe

0.000 PAL

WoW! That's an interesting duo.
I am a fire dragon 😆

0.000 PAL

yes we both are - hehehe cuz same year! LOLOLOL

next year is the year of the WOOD dragon

and then... guess what???

in the next cycle - in 2036 - its FIRE DRAGON again.


if this all meant something then i'm sure 2036 would hold something amazing for us.

but since it doesnt???

i'm claiming something amazing for us THIS YEAR. how's that?!?!?!?! LOL woooooooooooooooot!

0.000 PAL

Ah, I didn't realise that the year of the fire dragon is 2036.
I only know one other fire dragon, and he was my neighbour as a little girl. Same year, same day... isn't that something?
YES!!! I NEED something amazing for us this year!!!

0.000 PAL

you wanna know something crazy? one time me and two other people (one man, one woman) got hired onthe same day for a job.

all of us same position.

one day a few weeks later - one of us mentioned our bday.
the other is like ehy that's my bday
the third is like hey... stop. that's mine

none of us believed and we all had to prove it and we were shocked.

all same day - hired on same day - for sam position in office hahahaha whaat?!?!

and yes mam - we shall have the something amazing.

let us make it so!!!! its march 5.

we have a date every 5th of the month to share with each other something amazing that has come in the last month - and then we will celebrate for the year!!! hehehe THROUGH the year. why wait til Dec 31 right???

our year is what we make of it!


OK i have said i'm going to shower 7 times now.

this is #8 andi really mean it this time hahahahahahaha

i'll be back to read your post about the robe though - cz all i saw was "and my boobs were hanging out" and i knew i was your soul sister for life. ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

0.000 PAL

Is there a limit to how many Starbucks post one can make?

0.000 PAL

One post should be enough.

0.000 PAL