CLOSED - Coffee Conversation: Event 66


O F F E E-2.jpg

Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event 66, which runs on May 11 - 13, 2024! 🤗

Cinnamon Cup Coffee, the social hub of the blockchain, strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a meaningful comment on the topic below, for a chance to #WINHIVE & some #HBD.



If your friend gave you the choice of a French press or a Moka pot, which would you choose and why? Add a coffee-related photo to qualify for Hive.


☑️ Drop a comment on the question

☑️ Comment on other authors' comments.

☑️ Post comments within the Countdown timer, which ends on Monday right before midnight UTC.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

Prizes & Benefits of getting involved

😉 A mysterious selection from the comments will be made to distribute some Hive.

😎 This is an excellent opportunity to show different sides of your personality and connect with other authors and community members.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

This exercise aims to get you thinking, increase interaction among members, and boost community spirit by leaving your comment on this post. Enjoy, follow all the guidelines, and give us your best:)

Cover Photo Created using Canva Free photo Images and the second photo created using Canva also

The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Wr.jpg

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0.055 PAL


Hello, coffee friends!

I'm in love with French press coffee because it infuses so well while you enjoy the aroma from up close, centimeters away from you as you can place it on your table while the coffee brews.


The first time I tried coffee from a French press, it was at Le Jardins du Sucre in my hometown. My former French professor at the university was a lovely lady and so was her husband; she liked me very much and, when she was leaving the country back in 1999, she and her husband invited me to dine at that restaurant. I was delighted. When the chef came to our table, you could tell immediately that he was a close friend of my teacher and her husband Phillipe, who was also French. My teacher started speaking French and encouraged me to play along. I almost had a stroke, haha. I did my best and my best was terrible because of my nerves, but everyone was too nice to tell me anything, and instead, congratulated me. Phew! hahahaha.

So, it's a French press for me. I bought a small one, really cheap ($7) at El Tijerazo in Puerto La Cruz, a city in the neighboring state where I go every weekend to my second job. I use it for me and my friends only because my husband thinks the coffee it makes is not hot enough; I'll be sure when I finally buy a good quality French press.


I have moka pots at home as you can see. I also love them, and they were the ones I grew up with. Always it is an espresso, I will enjoy it either brewed in a moka pot or in a French press, truth be told.


0.000 PAL

What beautiful photos you share with us, the one in the French press is very beautiful and of course I have considered myself fans of your beautiful cats, meow😺

I liked the last thing you said, really if the coffee comes out delicious in one way or another, the only thing left is to enjoy it to the fullest.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this sunday.☕


0.000 PAL

I like my coffee black, hot, and tasting good whatever the brewing method. And when the coffee companion is up for a good conversation, my dear friend, it's just perfect, even if the coffee is not so good. That's what I think!

But if one must choose... 🤭

0.000 PAL

It is great when you have a deeper feelings for what you prefer. It is great that you get along with your teacher really well. This shows also that your teacher liked you as well. I didn’t have a french press, but my wife had one back in the days when we were still dating and we seemed to brew coffee on it quite often. She had an espresso machine too, but back in the days we preferred the French press’ coffee.

0.000 PAL

My teacher is Venezuelan like me, but she had a beautiful French and certainly knew how to teach it. I remember her with much love; she's been living in France for the last 25 years or so. She's a dear part of my coffee memories because I'd only seen a French press on TV before we visited that restaurant last century, haha; sounds like a hundred years ago!

0.000 PAL

Believe me or not, I did not make French press a part of my coffee experience. Your story looks so enjoyable - especially the part with restaurant and your teacher... 🥰 I definitely making a note in my wishlist about the next gift I want... by the way, Moka pot was there - and... but check my comment.

0.000 PAL

I love french press coffee. Horacia doesn't like it much; she prefers moka pot coffee 🤭


0.000 PAL

Ha! and what about the known rule, that our pets mind is 'shaped' by their masters? 🐈 it is strange, that she does not prefer French press -- like you! let me treat you with some !PIZZA, -- you decide which coffee to accompany it with. 🙏

0.000 PAL

Horacia is a rebellious soul! She likes salted fish roe, peanut butter, prosciutto, coconut milk, and raw egg yolk. I have to be careful or she will steal those foods and eat them, and none is good for her, except for the yolk.

0.000 PAL

Hi, @marlyncabrera. Sis, buy me a coffee with your French press and I'll tell you if it works well, hahaha.
Your coffee maker may not be as high quality as you wish, but it is very nice.
I don't have a French press, but a moka or greca, as they usually call it around here. However, I usually visit a friend who is a fan of these coffee makers and, although tasty, I find her coffee very mild. I recognize that the coffee from the moka is less plastic, I don't know if I'm making myself clear.


My moka is a 9 cup (we consume a lot of coffee at home) and I usually prepare it with 2 or 3 measures of between 15 and 16 grams of arabica coffee per 9 cups.
As you can see, and my friends who participate in this conversation also, it is a very strong coffee.


I think I'll see you at a coffee soon! Beautiful day!

0.000 PAL

When you guys come over, moka pot coffee is more practical because we're a bunch of people, but I promise I'll brew you a nice cup of espresso in my little French press next time you visit!

0.000 PAL

Hahaha, that's a clever way to ask for something, I hope your sister accepts the deal. I see that at your house they make a lot of coffee, the same way here at my house, my mother makes a lot of coffee for the whole day.🤭

I leave you a cup of coffee.☕

0.000 PAL

Diplomacy first and foremost! 😁

0.000 PAL

I don’t really know why, but my answer here will be that I prefer a French press!

I remember back in the days when I was a kid, there was a Moka pot in almost every household. This was like the only way to prepare coffee, and maybe the cezve… But this was a time when there was almost no variety in the coffee choice, with only 2 or 3 brands in the shops. And I remember when my parents had guests at mine they used to make coffee on the Moka pot. Sadly this was a time when I wasn’t supposed to consume coffee, or it was just way too bitter for me, a 4 year old…

French press, on the other hand, came into wider use a lit later here in Bulgaria. It never became that popular, because Espresso machines replaced the Moka pots in bulgarian houses, but with the wave of better, specialty like coffees the French press showed itself more often. In the shops or some cafes.

I am using a different press now, but it shares a lot with the french press. AeroPress is always next to me and i love it because it is not glassware so it cannot be broken. 😁

0.000 PAL

Ha! funny thing - three comments out of four, are requesting a French press. No way that might be a coincidence 😍 in terms of enjoying the quality coffee, I mean ...

this was a time when there was almost no variety in the coffee choice, with only 2 or 3 brands in the shops.

viva la difference!

Moka... was just way too bitter for me, a 4 year old…

the deeper intrest in coffee comes with age! in my teens, I preferred coffee with lots of sugar and milk. if i'd was provided with a cup of pure coffee made in Moka pot, back in the time then, probably I would spit it out and with a grinning face. But now the things are very differ!


0.000 PAL

I never saw cezve coffee until I was 14 or 15 while visiting an Armenian schoolmate, but moka pots were to be found everywhere in my hometown, at least in the houses I used to visit. Like in your case, we didn't have much coffee variety, nor beans. Only ground coffee were for domestic use, while beans were directly to coffee shops and bakeries.

I'm still curious about that AeroPress, but it'll have to wait. I think the coffee you brew there must be similar in taste to the one you brew in a french press, but I can't tell.

0.000 PAL

The method of AeroPress is so similar to the French press. Brewing time is equal too. I haven’t brewed or tasted a French press coffee soon, so I cannot compare it to the AeroPress, but I’m sure that the result will be very similar.

Coffee in the past was so different that the one we are used to consuming nowadays… it is so wild and like a roller coaster ride in a matter of 10-20 years.

0.000 PAL

I saw that they coffee chewing gum in some chapter of the fourth season of Fringe. I hope I never have to see that day! I love drinking my hot coffee 😌

0.000 PAL

Hello, @mdosev ev. I know the conversation is about the preference for moka pots or French press, but I will allow myself to give a brief praise to the beautiful cup you show us.
That said, I'm curious: does your coffee maker make coffee by the drip method?
Have a nice day!

0.000 PAL

The AeroPress from my photo uses a similar method to the French press. You mix the beans with water, and they have to sit for about 2-3 minutes. Then you filter the liquid by force. The ground coffee beans remain in the press while the liquid pours directly into the cup.

This exact cup was brought home by my wife. It is a Japanese ceramic and I like it because it is raw and unpolished.

0.000 PAL

I was unaware of this type of coffee maker. Thank you for introducing it to me. You can tell your wife that you have been told that she has good taste, hahaha.... Sorry for the silly joke.

0.000 PAL

Japanese do know how to make exceptionally attractive and appealing ceramics. Soon after we became married, we obtained in a local Jap shop two ceramic glasses of irresistible beauty and attractiveness. Only one of them has survived to this day, - it serves me on a daily basis for tea drinking.

'starry night' oilspot tenmoku

'shino' chawan

I'm a huge ceramics fan... and would love to purchase a few cups like this, from Japanese ceramicist - name is: Cory Winter. But unfortunately, this is not an option due to a number of technical reasons...

matcha chawan with oribe & light pearlescent hues

chawan woodfired at NAU, mixed clay

I could add more from my little (virtual) collection, but I guess you've got the idea.

0.000 PAL

I could forget about @mdosev's cat cup 😜 if I could get one of these 💓 I particularly like the starry night one; I gues it's named after Van Gogh's painting (which I love so much, as much as I love Don MccLean's "Vincent"... You're making me nostalgic but in a sweet way).

0.000 PAL

How different the cultures are, here in Latin America, especially in the countries where coffee is produced, children drink it from a very young age. This is how coffee becomes an integral part in the growth of each person.

A very practical and portable press that you have there, wins many points since you can take it everywhere.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕


0.000 PAL

Here children don’t drink coffee at all, maybe when they become 16-18 years old they start to. Of course, culture has the biggest role here!

The AeroPress is my favorite tool to carry when traveling!

0.000 PAL

I 💜 Moka ☕

Moka is one of the loves of my life. Drinking it is an incredible pleasure. So much so that few know my real smile, the one that is not faked for photos but just comes out. Natural and without limits, a real smile is what I get from Moka.

Of course I would love to have a Moka pot to always enjoy what I like. I think this is the perfect drink that makes me feel comfortable, happy and relaxed.

My friend wouldn't give you a choice because he would know, just like all of you, that I love mocha and I wouldn't change it for any other.

0.000 PAL

You are very clear about what you want and your tastes, that's how it should be. That coffee looks very delicious and looks good to the eyes.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕

0.000 PAL

Oh, I used to order mochachino all the time when I was hanging out with my undergrad friends, but adulthood brought me this wretched lactose intolerance. Now I can only drink it at home, with vegetable milk. Sometimes I take the risk, if I know that it's not long before I have to go home 😏😂

But with the prompt, they meant something different, my dear coffee friend. They are talking about a French press vs. a moka pot (our beloved “greca”).

0.000 PAL

It is great that you have such a beautiful relation with the Moka pot. Good coffee can be brewed in many ways on various tools, and we will always love our cup of coffee. It’s a bit sad that I don’t have a Moka pot at home and also here in Bulgaria you cannot enjoy Moka coffee at the coffee shops, but if I buy one I am sure that my wife will consider leaving me homeless with all my coffee gear. 😂

Just kidding! Wish you a wonderful week!

0.000 PAL

Hello, @chacald.dcymt , I will tell you that the best lattes that I have prepared in my house have been made with a Moka coffee maker. It seems to me to be the best option when you want a rich, simple and practical coffee at home.

0.000 PAL

Excellent Sunday conversation coffee lovers.

Today I come to participate in the new conversation of the week with lots of coffee and flavor. On this occasion we are asked what we prefer when it comes to preparing coffee, French press or a Moka pot.

In the part where I live, more precisely in my city, in the majority of the houses coffee is prepared with the simplest and most basic method, the strainer. In all the homes that I know there is this tool, which is used because of its low cost, practicality and tradition. I present to you the strainer that my mother has used for a long time and that is another point in its favor, the years of usefulness that the traditional strainer offers.

This was my answer to the question of the week in the conversation. I'll read you in the comments.

Great start to the week with lots of coffee.☕


0.000 PAL

My friend handing me out Moka pot in one hand and French press in another hand, but - tadaaaam! - I choose a strainer! hmm... thats a pretty reasonable position. 😜 !PIZZA, and wish you delicious coffee today!

0.000 PAL

I love the coffee sock. I'm an enthusiast of old school methods because, generally speaking, they produce less waste. I have a little cloth filter that I bought for coffee but ended up being the official strainer for our infusions of camomile flowers. I wash it every time and keep it in the freezer.


0.000 PAL

Ha, I understand - the underside of this question is the opportunity to speculate about the advantages of both gadgets. But in my case, the answer will be simple: “I choose a French press!” - and it is in no way due to the possible benefits of this method of brewing coffee...

See, a couple of months ago, my office colleagues presented me a Moka pot, simple as it! (check the photo). It is not stylish original Bialetti but technically speaking it is the same model. Colleagues did not ask me anything - they read my secret dreams, and it was a fantastic birthday gift, totally surprising and enchanting.

But I don’t have a French press yet. So, as the next option for my collection, I would obviously choose a French press - to develop and expand my experience!

0.000 PAL

That moka pot looks exactly like the ones you'll find here in almost every house. I understand your point; I used to collect coffee makers twenty years ago, but we were robbed. The thieves took 13 of my coffee makers and left only the 2 I had in the kitchen. Sometimes, I feel tempted to start collecting again but it will have to wait.

I need colleagues like yours 🤭

0.000 PAL

This office was the best in my life, probably will never-ever will be another one. (this job is slowly sinking, probably in 2-3 months I had to find another employer). it were employees of four book editorial offices, all very cultured people, connoisseurs of many good things in this world.

I understand that 20 years ago we all took much fewer photographs than today (and usually it were more significant things / events than a nice cup of coffee or slice of pizza), but... I still ask: are there any pics, maybe part of your collection? Of course, it is sad story to hear... thieves stole the most valuable stuff *-(

about Mokka pot: yes, it's a classic! and different manufacturers copy the same Bialetti Mokka pot (design from 1930-es!) unchanged... changing only minimally such features as, for example, painting... and that’s good! Humanity has optimized some things to the limit, and changing them further can only make them worse, lol.

0.000 PAL

Nostalgia is the word that comes to my mind when I read about old days fading away. The world is a changing place, and we human beings have adapted and survived. Some things never change, but others just disappear.

I don't keep any photos of my coffee makers; I keep very few photos of those times, actually, for the reasons you mention, I think. I had them (my coffee makers) in their boxes, waiting to be exhibited on a nice shelf in my new home, but that never happened, and I don't feel like collecting stuff anymore, at least for the moment.

Humanity has optimized some things to the limit, and changing them further can only make them worse, lol.

Like plastic surgery, my dear friend 🤭

0.000 PAL

I can attest that it is one of the best gifts. My current coffee maker was a gift from my older sister, and the one before that, a gift from dear friends, and the one before that, a gift from my daughter. I hope to see other similar gifts in my future!
Nice day!

0.000 PAL

Absolutely true! as far as I can remember, it felt like best birthday choice in last 6-8 years!
Have a nice day, and a slice of Hive !PIZZA as well 🙏

0.000 PAL

I really liked your moka, that black color is very elegant and if it is a gift, even better. You have some very good friends who seem to know your tastes very well.😎

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕untitled.gif

0.000 PAL


$PIZZA slices delivered:
qwerrie tipped adncabrera
qwerrie tipped marlyncabrera
qwerrie tipped mdosev
@qwerrie(3/5) tipped @rinconpoetico7

0.000 PAL