CLOSED - Coffee Conversation: Event 61


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Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event 61, which runs on April 6 - 8, 2024! 🤗

Cinnamon Cup Coffee, the social hub of the blockchain, strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a meaningful comment on the topic below, for a chance to #WINHIVE & some #HBD.



Do you have a coffee-loving friend who has opposite opinions on the right way to enjoy coffee? How does that impact your friendship? Highlight your take on coffee with a snap of a drink made right from your POV.

A photo must be added to be eligible for Hive!


☑️ Drop a comment on the question

☑️ Comment on other authors' comments.

☑️ Post comments within the Countdown timer, which ends on Monday right before midnight UTC.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

Prizes & Benefits of getting involved

😉 A mysterious selection from the comments will be made to distribute some Hive.

😎 This is an excellent opportunity to show different sides of your personality and connect with other authors and community members.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

This exercise aims to get you thinking, increase interaction among members, and boost community spirit by leaving your comment on this post. Enjoy, follow all the guidelines, and give us your best:)

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The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Wr.jpg

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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.

0.094 PAL


Greetings friends happy weekend coffee lovers, I've been a little away hahaha, but I'm here everyone has their own tastes, for example I like coffee prepared at home with a strainer I find it tastier plus the aroma that activates my senses,

Yesterday by chance a co-worker and I had this dilemma because he likes it with an electric coffee maker, because it is more comfortable and has the same flavor, I told him that for me it is not and we were in this dilemma all afternoon, obviously for the office it is the ideal, I drink coffee prepared in a coffee maker or with a strainer, the important thing is to drink coffee with a coffee maker and to drink coffee with a strainer.


0.000 PAL

For the office it is the ideal.

I agree with that. It's economical, convenient, and easy to clean and maintain.

Coffee is my Saviour. I shall not want Coffee maketh in green pastures and plantations Coffee restoreth my soul Coffee leadeth me in the paths of green hilly pastures For Caffeeine name sake. Yea though the work is h.jpg

A parody from a fictional book

0.000 PAL

Greetings @millycf1976 although there are some in the office who like to drink coffee but don't like to brew or clean up osea some fresh ones then.

0.000 PAL

Yeah, you'll always find people like that. That's one of the reasons why the drip machine works in the office.

0.000 PAL

Hey @nill2021

Happy Weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!.jpg

Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 08.27.44.png

We trust that you'll stick around to chat with others:)))

0.000 PAL

I think I will also have the same dilemma, if it comes to drinking coffee from an electric coffee maker, I drink it if it is the only option, otherwise I prefer brewed coffee with an artisanal strainer, it's great ☕

0.000 PAL

I drink coffee from a coffee pot, but at home I prepare it with a strainer, maybe it's just my idea, but it's tastier that way.


0.000 PAL

I've also had it, it's not that it's bad, it's also delicious, but if preferred, I prefer the coffee strainer 🤭☕

0.000 PAL

I think my story has a similar idea like yours. I enjoy coffee prepared by myself rather than automatic and more convenient gadgets. I spend a bit more time and effort, but the final result is more satisfying.

I swear that I didn’t read your comment before writing mine! 😁

0.000 PAL

I swear that I didn’t read your comment before writing mine! 😁


0.000 PAL

I must say that in my case I prefer coffee in a strainer, in my house they only drink it that way, in an electric coffee maker it has a different flavor, it is what I have perceived or it could be a subjective thing. everyone He has his taste to enjoy coffee.

I leave you a delicious cup of coffee in a strainer for this Saturday.☕untitled.gif

0.000 PAL

It is true that suddenly it is something suggestive or tradition.


0.000 PAL

I have a coffee maker that I use when there are a lot of colleagues in my house; that's what it takes for me to use it. I can tolerate coffee from a coffee maker because I became used to it after many years of drinking it in the office, but it's a last resource, emergency coffee 🤭


0.000 PAL

I don't have a coffee maker at home, I just use a strainer, but for the office they are very practical.


0.000 PAL

They are! And Oster is such a good brand ❤️

0.000 PAL

I need to learn how to make coffee using a strainer. It could prove to be handy.

0.000 PAL

It's easy I already have the measure, you boil water in a pot, put coffee in the strainer I put 3 coffee lids then pour the boiling water, if you don't have a strainer you can use a piece of cloth.


0.000 PAL

That rich coffee, made with strainer as I like, greetings!

0.000 PAL

It's super easy and you can make coffee for many. I like to heat the pot a little while it drips. I made coffee with this method at my grandparents' river house; I'd put a candle under the pot.

0.000 PAL

What kind of cloth is the strainer made from? Cheesecloth?

Grandparents' river house

That sounds like an awesome place. I'd like a small house by the river with crops growing around it:)

0.000 PAL

I guess you can use the thicker cheesecloth, not a light weave fabric (like gauze). The one I had was cotton fabric (even thicker than what my yogurt bag is made of).

It's not an exact science; a cloth napkin does the job very well. The important thing is that the coffee does not run too fast or it will not infuse. If it passes too slowly, it cools down. Take the risk of trial and error, haha. At some point, someone desperate used a sock. It's not by chance that the name of the method came up 😏


0.000 PAL

Yeah, the sock method is called Cowboy Coffee.

I'm convinced that the cloth method might have been popular in Jamaica in the olden days too. I'll research it.

0.000 PAL

Cowboy coffee! I guess that includes not taking a shower in days, haha. Just kidding. I didn't know that name. Than you!

0.000 PAL

I guess that includes not taking a shower in days

You hit the nail on the head there.


I'd like a small house by the river with crops growing around it:)

Lovely idea.

I have fond memories of my vacation days in the countryside. I felt so free. Now those are no longer safe dwellings; crime has reached deep into the villages in the countryside, sadly.

0.000 PAL

It's just so sad.
One of my best experiences while living in the Philippines, was that it's still safe to go into villages like those. It brought back such happy childhood memories 😍

0.000 PAL

A coffee maker is always a good option when there are many people, but just like you I am starting the coffee made manually, greetings!!

0.000 PAL

I like both, and now that I can enjoy espresso in a coffee machine or espresso machine, the experience is much more intense ☕ everyone has their own preference ☕ as long as they serve delicious coffee 🤎 although among coffee drinkers there are always dilemmas about quality, type and preparation.

0.000 PAL

You are mine nothing like a good coffee made with strainer, the taste, the smell is inigalable. Of course for an office is the most practical. But I tell you that in my old office we did it with colander hahaha. Greetings!

0.000 PAL

I would have no problem, as long as I had coffee ☕.

0.000 PAL

1.Do you have any coffee-loving friends who have opposing views on the right way to enjoy coffee? 2.How does that affect your friendship?


The answer to this question is yes on the first and no on the second.

The world since it is very diverse, therefore there are many ways and forms to enjoy a good coffee, in particular, I enjoy more my coffee made in the ancestral way, with the typical coffee cloth strainer, I have also tried coffee in electric coffee makers, I did not like this experience, I buried my coffee maker, I have it for decoration, the one of greca also has a good flavor, as well as the one of the coffee shops made with their Espresso machines.


The dilemma that has presented itself to me with my friends, among them the method to use to elaborate it and the cups in which it is served, I am a supporter that the method with which the coffee is made and where it is served, are factors that modify the flavor, aroma and smell of the freshly made coffee.
Another dilemma just now, was at a friend's house, they served me coffee without brewing it, it is not bad, but I saw it out of the ordinary, apparently it is a method that I did not know, by the way I do not share it, of course if I have no other options, be sure that I drink only one cup, no more.


I am one of those who think that regardless of how my friends use, drink and make coffee, for me it is not a reason to affect our friendship, we can share those teachings and learn from each other, maybe with time we will have other forms of coffee routines.

0.000 PAL

We are on the same page, at home the strainer is the main element to make coffee. By that I don't mean that I don't drink coffee made in an electric coffee maker.

I leave you a delicious cup of coffee for this afternoon.☕

0.000 PAL

That's right, we like it both ways, but the artisanal strainer is preferred.

0.000 PAL

Oh, that steaming coffee looks wonderful! ❤️

I left my coffee sock filter in my old apartment; it must be ruined by now. I love this method for making coffee; it reminds of my days in the countryside. Delicious! I must get a new one ASAP.
I use moka pots at home and a little inexpensive French press 🐒


0.000 PAL

Because it is spoiled over time, I am fascinated by the ancient method, that of the mocha coffee maker, I love it, but I have not tried a French press, I will have to look for one to compare the flavor.

0.000 PAL

In the traditional way of the terroir it is ideal, with a coffee maker it is special, and with a coffee maker and espresso machine it is another level ☕ and as they say black, with milk or brown 🤎 it reaches the heart even to prepare and enjoy the coffee we are different, there is the essence ☕♨️ of drinking a delicious coffee.

0.000 PAL

That's right, we are different and obviously we like coffee to our liking, strong black guy please 🤭☕

0.000 PAL

What do you mean with coffee without brewing? Was your friend just pouring or mixing coffee with cold water? 🧐

0.000 PAL

The translations sometimes do not capture what we really mean, what I mean is that they put the coffee with water and put it to boil, let it rest for a while and when the sediments have fallen to the bottom, they serve you from there, he told me that he had no strainer and that he had gotten used to it, it seemed quite unusual, although the coffee had a good flavor, but some sediment from the ground coffee is appreciated, crazy I would say🤭.

0.000 PAL

I see now! I think this coffee is similar to the Turkish cezve coffee, which is always served with the sediment of ground coffee. The first sips are good and clean and you start to sip some sediment when you approach the end of your cup. Not the best experienced but still acceptable… 😁

0.000 PAL

Oh! Excellent. I accidentally tried the Turkish method, it is acceptable to drink it, but I couldn't drink the end, there were sediments of ground coffee.
It's always good to learn new coffee experiences🥰☕☕☕

0.000 PAL

Well… Coffee is something that everyone consumes. It is one of the things that js popular in every country… in one form or another. This makes it a thing that has wide variety of preferences in consumption.

I think that my coffee preference puts me in a relatively small group of people - people loving and willing to pay premium for specialty coffee.

I remember having an extremely passionate conversation with a friend of mine (not so close) about morning coffee routine. He insisted that there is nothing better than pushing one button and letting the bean-to-cup machine do the miracle for you in about 30 seconds. My point was that I am willing to pay 2 more minutes and have a superior (in every aspect) shot of coffee and I am happy with the time spent on that job.

Of course every person has the right to choose the best way to prepare and enjoy his coffee and what makes me happy is far from what makes someone else happy. But yeah… I felt that I was a bit aggressive after thinking about our “fight” for coffee, but this is what makes me passionate. I think my friend was passionate about his coffee too. 😁

But trust me… knowing how your coffee gear works and pushing it to the limits gives you best results… The greatest pleasure when preparing it and the greatest joy when consuming it!

0.000 PAL

My point was that I am willing to pay 2 more minutes and have a superior (in every aspect) shot of coffee and I am happy with the time spent on that job.

Every time! I could not agree with you more there. I will factor in the time for preparing coffee, over just a quick press of a button.

Knowing how your coffee gear works and pushing it to the limits gives you best results


0.000 PAL

The funny thing is that one of our friends that showcased the “fight” told me that it was the first time when he saw my “opponent” willing to give up in any argument. 😁 I must have been a bit more passionate than usual… 🤷🏻

0.000 PAL

I must have been a bit more passionate than usual… 🤷🏻

Haha! I do not doubt that! It's coffee we're speaking about, after all 😁

0.000 PAL

The quality of a coffee is paramount to enjoy an exquisite coffee ☕ the pocket of the coffee maker is another matter and also his preferences. I love not only a good quality coffee but also an espresso machine ☕♨️ the experience is irresistible 🥰.

0.000 PAL

I also love having my special moment with my morning ritual, preparing my coffee myself, it feels wonderful, being the one who prepares it and enjoys it.

I would also be willing to pay for a good coffee, the comfort our taste buds feel when tasting it is fascinating.

0.000 PAL

That’s so true… Almost no one from my friends understands my passion about good coffee… 🤷🏻 But who cares… 😁

0.000 PAL

When telling the truth, the one who really cares is you, others think things that they cannot understand about people with class 😅

0.000 PAL

knowing how your coffee gear works and pushing it to the limits gives you best results


I guess it's normal to get passionate and excited to defend our "truth" as long as it doesn't end in a machete fight 🤣


0.000 PAL

It is very common to meet people who are very passionate and a very hot discussion begins. The important thing is to know where to stop to avoid assaults.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this sunday.☕untitled.gif

0.000 PAL

I am quite passionate about topics that I am all in about and I have knowledge about. If I am not sure about something I am not arguing at all. And yet, everybody has his own opinion and own preference, especially about such a common product like coffee.

0.000 PAL


The truth is my friends have their different ways of preparing their coffee and enjoying it 😁 I like that because it gives me the opportunity to try different shapes, textures and intensities ☕ ♨️ 🤎 in a cup of coffee.

But in particular, my favourite thing is a good coffee with milk, and I do argue that for me it should be made with a good espresso and a good amount of milk that not only leaves the intensity of the coffee flavour, but also the creaminess of the milk 😁 which gives it that dark brown touch that I like so much to enjoy this day with a slice of sultana bread, one of my guilty temptations 😁 so between tastes and flavours ☕ I try different types of coffee.

0.000 PAL

Latte and bread/cake/cookies, ah, my favorite duo for afternoon snack. It's been a while since I've had cow's milk, but fruitcakes of any kind are my thing and better with a cup of hot coffee, so I can understand this guilty pleasure ❤️

0.000 PAL

Everyone has their own way of enjoying delicious coffee. That's what's attractive, the many ways of preparation for every taste.

I leave you a delicious cup of coffee for this Sunday.☕

0.000 PAL

Excellent Sunday conversation coffee lovers.

Today I come to participate in the new conversation of the week with lots of coffee and flavor.

Between tastes and preferences we all have clear concepts of what we like and when an idea is imposed on us as an absolute truth, controversy and discussions can arise and sometimes even take on tints of aggression.

I am a very calm person and therefore I do not like to argue about issues where I have clear my tastes, I just expose my point of view and listen to the other side, so neither I will change my way of thinking, nor the other person will.

I once had a small debate with a friend who loved to drink coffee with a lot of sugar. I really don't drink my coffee that sweet, so I explained my point of view, both in the field of health and coffee. He made his point as well. So the tastes were defined and neither one nor the other would change their mind. So we decided to drop the discussion and move on. The friendship was not affected because everything was respectful and cordial.

That was my response to this week's conversation. I invite you to continue to leave your comments on the subject.

An excellent night and a week full of lots of coffee.☕

I leave you a photo with a delicious cup of coffee and a drawing that my 6-year-old niece made, she really likes to draw.😊


0.000 PAL

Fun drawings 😹

It's good your friend is not the one to make your coffee. I don't put any sugar in my coffee; it's been like that for 20 years or so, but even when I liked my coffee sweet it was never as sweet as most of my friends like it.

0.000 PAL

Hehehe weekend comes by quickly these days, when did we finish event 60 and now we are in 61😃

Good job coffee lovers, our community is growing😃

0.000 PAL

The days are shorter😅, the roulette wheel of life spins and turns and shortens our coffee time and makes us enjoy it more often☕🤤

0.000 PAL

Most of my friends doesn't like coffee,they prefer chocolate or milktea kind of drinks. But sometimes, some of them chose to drink when there is a need for them to stay awake lol.

0.000 PAL

Hello everyone!

In the world in which I work as a bartender, I usually live with many baristas and people that I appreciate very much who are coffee lovers and of course our opinions abound on how we like it.

I have friends who are very puritanical when it comes to drinking coffee, they don't accept that you add milk and sugar even less. They have a motto "if you want to spoil the coffee, mix it with anything". They are the ones who drink coffee very concentrated and that's it.
My black coffee is without sugar, but I do drink it with milk and many versions.

The nice thing about having a beautiful friendship is that these differences do not affect anything in our personal relationship, rather it is a reason for conversation, jokes and enjoyment because there is always respect.

This coffee was prepared for me by a friend who runs a cooking academy, she also likes black coffee, without sugar and prepared in a strainer and that's how I drank it.

0.000 PAL

Hi, dear fellow coffee friends!

Well, first of all, you must know that always that I use a moka pot, there's peace, love, and agreement.


I have a coffee maker, a little French press, and several moka pots. I don't make coffee in the coffee maker unless I take it to a meeting with colleagues (or when several colleagues come to my house). I rarely use the French press because my husband dislikes the temperature of the coffee it makes.


As for my moka pots, I use them all the time (and I save more coffee with this method, BTW).


Well, every now and then, I have a good argument with my husband because of our disagreement about how to make coffee. It turns out that I really like coffee made in the French press and also in the sock filter, but he hates these methods, since for him, coffee must be as hot as if it came out of an infernal pot, haha 🔥 🔥🔥 Drinking hot coffee is bad for his esophagus, I tell him alll the time; fortunately, 9 times out of 10 he drinks his coffee with coconut milk, which is always in the fridge--unless it is freshly made--and this lowers the temperature of his coffee.

So that's my coffee drama, dear freinds, haha. I have to ignore his long face when I give him coffee made from the French press. It's not nice, but I tell him that such is life, hard and black as a caraota (black bean) 😂


0.000 PAL

Something I don't like in my coffee is that it's boiling hot. It is actually very bad for the body and can affect health. I understand your predicament in my house my father also likes very hot coffee and there are also disagreements.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕


0.000 PAL

It's more of a man's thing, perhaps; they like their coffee too hot.

0.000 PAL