RE: Hive is imperfect anarchy, by design


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most time people just make hive accounts just to try botnet peoples post most time.
issue is not like how twitter or facebook like block them and etc. but my view as what hive should have full control is have block system prevent them posting.

far i seen with few my friends post, always stuff like gangstalking starting posting random stuff everyones post as botnet. but i do understand rep helps make it go blacklist/Good REP but issue that part is how can you i mean you as person block them prevent posts by that user.

so i enjoy hive a lot because i meet loads Awesome people over VimmTV and been ongoing for me meet new community's and stuff. and so far i am happy that DEV VimmTV few days ago because i was planning help them push forward as adding OAuth2 System, Minecraft Interactive and many features that Twitch doesn't own.

so far things going well for me even ShmoogleOsukami is 1 who helped me setup my Hive witness for me, without Vimm i wouldn't even know i doing XD.

and Your posts not issue for me, in my view you post lot stuff get more words out and help other users as well. you really good person do that, but time of work getting that setup is a lot work. but only downside is like i say above just loads bots accounts on hive chain do DV and Posting random stuff as offtopics.

for my view you did grate and all work spend on you mainly deserve more on it.


If we want freedom then we have to put up with some who abuse it. gangstalking/anddumbc*nts are operated by someone who has a grudge against others on Hive. We can't stop them, but they do little damage. I do fear others will do the same and we could see more spam, but sites like peakd could do something to make it less visible.


true, peakd should do something about it a lot. even it keeps going threw other platforms too like DBUZZ and many more. so people need step up have mute or something block them out in visible.
