ShoKin day 15 recap. I onboarded 4 new users and one completed her introductory post.


Is hard to keep good things to ourselves alone. That's why people do give out testimonies of what God has done for them both in their places of worship or with friends. With the smile spendhbd is putting on people's faces, i decided to introduce it to my friends instead of keeping it to myself so that they to can feel the joy. Because i also want them to be happy. Ahead of our ShoKin day, i started telling my friends about Hive and the Spendhbd project. At first they didn't believe me when i introduced Hive to them. But when i told them about shoptoearn project of this wonderful community, they all picked interest and wanted to see if it's true.

With my friend Mrs Oroma

Mrs Oroma has been my friend for the past one year ago. I have told her about Hive but she didn't indicate much interest due to some ugly experiences of online businesses she has been into. She thought Hive is a scam. This time around when we met, she told me that am looking good despite the economic hardship we are facing here. I told her that God has been faithful to me through Hive blockchain. She asked me to explain this my Hive very well to her. I immediately told her about 20%-40% discount of SpenHbd project. She asked me a lot questions which i gave her a convincing answers. At the end, she signed up with the username @orotony.

Here is her introduction post

Next person was her husband. She shared the information with her husband and the man picked interest. Both of them attended Uyo ShoKin day 15 at Ikuku oma restaurant with us. There, her husband signed up and bought some HBD which he used to pay for the meals they enjoyed there. The man was happy to claim his discount just like everyone else.

Setting up his account with the wife @etimtony

Check out his first post here

The joy of claiming discount

I also told one of my customers about Hive. I do go to their shop to buy groceries and i told her that she can got her shop listed on our website. She told me that her mom will be the one to register the shop but she will want her own Hive account for writing. Though she couldn't attend the ShoKin day but has been onboarded with the username. @eddy01.

The fourth person was a nurse. She actually came late due to her nature of work. She came with her colleagues to sign up on Hive. After signing her up, i assisted her to set up her profile. Her introductory post is loading. With the username @happzy.

This project is really drawing people to hive and will definitely make Hive and HBD known. Because as people are coming they will also introduce to their family and friends. At the end, Hive might be the most popular social media in the world.

Memories of our ShoKin day

0.000 PAL


Impressive hard work, keep it up. Your effort is helping Uyo team to grow and I have no doubt that more people will join. Spend HBD to the moon and always

0.000 PAL

Oh yeah 👍. Thanks so much. We want everyone to accept HBD

0.000 PAL

You are really a great person

0.000 PAL