[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #68
Hola amigos, espero que se encuentren bien, una vez más me uno al concurso semanal de Ladies of Hive, el día de hoy respondiendo a la pregunta:
Hello friends, I hope you are well, once again I join the Ladies of Hive weekly contest, today answering the question:
Are you feeling sick? A bowl of hot chicken soup does it for me, maybe sprinkled with bacon bits. What food makes you feel better when you're feeling down?
Image de OpenClipart-Vectors en Pixabay
Me sentí identificada con esta pregunta, porque en casa llevamos varios días enfermos con un virus muy fuerte que anda por mi ciudad, muchos conocidos lo están padeciendo ahora mismo o ya lo pasaron, lo cierto es que nosotros no nos escapamos, algunas personas dicen que es una de las variantes del Covid 19; Es fiebre, decaimiento, estornudos, tos y dolor de garganta.
I felt identified with this question, because at home we have been sick for several days with a very strong virus that is going around my city, many acquaintances are suffering from it right now or have already gone through it, the truth is that we did not escape, some people say it is one of the variants of Covid 19; It is fever, decay, sneezing, coughing and sore throat.
Image de mohamed_hassan en Pixabay
Ayer mis hijos amanecieron mejor y con apetito, tenían días sin comer bien porque con el malestar no les provocaba comer, lo ideal hubiese sido hacerles una sopa, ya que, como decía mi abuela una sopa “reconforta el alma”, pero a dos de ellos no les gusta la sopa de verduras, así que decidí prepararle una rica sopa de quinchonchos.
Yesterday my children woke up better and with appetite, they had days without eating well because the discomfort did not cause them to eat, the ideal would have been to make them a soup, because, as my grandmother said a soup "comforts the soul", but two of them do not like vegetable soup, so I decided to prepare a rich soup of quinchonchos.
Los Granos son muy fáciles de preparar y aportan muchos nutrientes a nuestro organismo, por lo que son una buena opción para recuperar fuerzas, lo primero que hice limpiar los quinchonchos, usualmente los remojo de un día para otro, pero esta vez los puse a cocinar sin remojar.
The grains are very easy to prepare and provide many nutrients to our body, so they are a good option to regain strength, the first thing I did was to clean the quinchonchos, I usually soak them overnight, but this time I put them to cook without soaking.
Para condimentar esta sopa de quinchonchos utilice: cebolla, ajíes, pimentón, tomates, ajo, ajo porro, cilantro y un trozo de chuleta de cochino, corte todos estos aliños en trocitos.
To season this quinchonchos soup use: onion, chili peppers, paprika, tomatoes, garlic, garlic, cilantro and a piece of pork chop, cut all these seasonings into small pieces.
Al estar blandos los quinchonchos, puse el trozo de chuleta, sofrei los aliños con un poco de aceite onotado y se los agregue a mi sopa, deje hervir pos unos 20 minutos y lista para comer.
When the chinchonchos were soft, I put the chops in, fried the seasoning with a little olive oil and added it to my soup, let it boil for about 20 minutes and it was ready to eat.
Les servi la sopa de quinchonchos a mis hijos con queso rallado y a comer, porque como decía mi abuela: "Mientras el enfermo coma, hay esperanza de que sane".
I serve the chinchoncho soup to my children with grated cheese and eat, because as my grandmother used to say: "As long as the sick person eats, there is hope for healing".
Hasta la próxima, me despido de ustedes no sin antes invitar a la amiga @marilour a participar en el concurso.
Until next time, I bid you farewell but not before inviting my friend @marilour to participate in the contest.
Las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas con mi telefono TECNO SPARK GO 6, a excepción de 2 imagenes que descargue de Pixabay.
The pictures were taken and edited with my TECNO SPARK GO 6 phone, except for 2 images that I downloaded from Pixabay.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I'm not familiar with the taste of chinchoncho but it sure looks like it has a kick with the Chili peppers and paprika. Very colorful and attractive looking soup!
Thanks for sharing @chichi76 ❤️
Gracias 🤗 Son muy ricos😋😋
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Gracias por el apoyo🤗