[ESP-ENG] Concurso de la Comunidad de Damas de la Colmena / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #76

Un saludo mis amigas, espero que se encuentren bien, el día de hoy les traigo mi participación a la Ronda # 76 del Concurso Semanal que nos presenta esta entretenida comunidad.
Greetings my friends, I hope you are well, today I bring you my participation in Round # 76 of the Weekly Contest presented by this entertaining community.



Esta semana las preguntas son:
1️⃣ ¿Tienes un héroe en la vida real? Si es así, ¿quién sería y por qué?


2️⃣ Si pudieras elegir un "lugar feliz" favorito, ¿dónde estaría?

This week's questions are:
1️⃣ Do you have a real-life hero? If so, who would that be and why?
2️⃣ If you could pick a favorite "happy place," where would that be?


Imagen de Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke en Pixabay

Para responder estas preguntas debo hablar de mi abuela, quien fue Mi Heroína, a quien llamaba para que me salvara de los regaños de mi madre, esa señora que con un abrazo alejaba de mi toda tristeza, pues sus brazos para mi eran mágicos; Estando con ella todos mis miedos desaparecían, Mi Lugar Feliz así llamaba a la parcela que tenía mi abuela en un asentamiento campesino cercano a la ciudad, lamentablemente mi abuela por motivos de salud, se vio en la necesidad de prescindir de ella, tristemente no quedo ni una foto de aquel lugar donde pase los mejores momentos de mi infancia.
To answer these questions I must talk about my grandmother, who was my heroine, whom I called to save me from my mother's scoldings, that lady who with a hug took away from me all sadness, because her arms were magic for me; Being with her all my fears disappeared, My Happy Place was the name of the plot of land that my grandmother had in a peasant settlement near the city, unfortunately my grandmother for health reasons, she had to leave it, sadly there was not even a photo of that place where I spent the best moments of my childhood.


Les cuento que mi abuela vivía en una casita muy modesta con paredes de bloques de cemento sin frisar, sin electricidad, sin conexiones de agua, una cocina de kerosene y un fogón de leña; Sin comodidades pero igual yo moría por estar allí, corriendo por esas extensiones de terreno, trepando el gran árbol de algarrobo que estaba junto a la casa, bañándome en el río, cazando coquitos de tierra, para lo cual tomábamos una pajilla y la metíamos en los agujeros donde ellos se enterraban, en fin, un lugar donde todo era felicidad.
I tell them that my grandmother lived in a very modest little house with cement block walls, no electricity, no water connections, a kerosene stove and a wood stove; Without comforts, but I was still dying to be there, running through those extensions of land, climbing the big carob tree that was next to the house, bathing in the river, hunting ground coquitos, for which we would take a straw and put it in the holes where they buried themselves, in short, a place where everything was happiness.


Hasta la próxima, me despido de ustedes no sin antes invitar a las amigas @eimy7 y @almajandra a participar en el concurso.
Until next time, I say goodbye to you but not before inviting my friends @eimy7 and @almajandra to participate in the contest.

Las imagenes fuerón diseñadas por mi a excepción de una que descargue de pixabay

The images were designed by me except for one that I downloaded from pixabay.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




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Your hero and happy pace is one and the same...
your grandmother!
How lovely!
Thanks for sharing, @chichi76.
Good luck with the contest.


Hay si, cuánto la extraño 🤗🤗 Gracias


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

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That is one incredleble woman your grandmother ❤️
To give you so much comfort in a hug and having a place that was your happy place with her.
Family sure is precious and when family members like your grandmother impacts your life in special ways it sticks with you.

Thank you for sharing this, loved it. Have a wonderful weekend and good luck 🌹


Hola gracias por pasar, así es, ella dejo huellas imborrables en mi memoria 🤗🤗
