[ESP-ENG] Concurso de la Comunidad de Damas de la Colmena / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #66

Un Saludo amigos, espero que se encuentren bien, es la segunda vez que participo en uno de los concursos semanales que nos presenta Ladies of Hive, donde presentan una o varias preguntas, donde podemos elegir responder una o varias; Para esta Ronda # 66 las preguntas son:


Greetings friends, I hope you are well, this is the second time I participate in one of the weekly contests that Ladies of Hive presents us, where they present one or several questions, where we can choose to answer one or several; For this Round # 66 the questions are:




Hacerme un tatuaje es algo que de adolescente paso por mi mente, pero mi madre no me dio la autorización, ya de adulta esa idea se desvaneció, porque comencé a leer argumento sobre tatuarse y bueno me convencí de que no era bueno hacerlo, me hubiese gustado tatuarme tres corazones en mi antebrazo.
Getting a tattoo is something that as a teenager went through my mind, but my mother did not give me the authorization, and as an adult that idea faded, because I began to read an argument about tattooing and well I was convinced that it was not good to do it, I would have liked to tattoo three hearts on my forearm.



Desde niña escuche historias de espantos que mi abuela se dedicaba a contarme, que si la sayona, el silbón, las brujas y muchos más, incluso muchas veces cuando me quedaba con ella en el campo, la escuchaba discutir con una supuesta luz que se veía desde la ventana y que por suerte nunca ví.
Since I was a child, I listened to stories about the scary things that my grandmother used to tell me, such as the "sayona", the "silbón", the witches and many more, even many times when I stayed with her in the country, I heard her arguing with a supposed light that could be seen from the window, which luckily I never saw.

Image by Jan-Mallander at Pixabay

Muchas veces escuchaba ruidos, pero me convencia a mi misma, que era solo mi imaginación, por las noches yo tenía la costumbre de levantarme como a media noche para ir al baño y como pasaba por la sala, siempre me quedaba unos minutos mirando por la ventana que daba a la calle; Pero una noche al voltear a la ventana, vi a un hombre de sombrero, me asuste mucho y me regrese a mi cuarto, lo que había visto no me dejaba dormir, el corazón se me queria salir, creia reconocer la silueta de aquel hombre, hasta que pude identificarlo, era el sombrero de mi abuelo y un hombre de su misma contestura, así que me dije: ese era mi abuelo, pero el problema es que era media noche y mi abuelo estaba muerto, esta fue mi primera experiencia con un fastama.
Many times I heard noises, but I convinced myself that it was just my imagination, at night I had the habit of getting up at midnight to go to the bathroom and as I passed through the living room, I always stayed a few minutes looking out the window overlooking the street; But one night when I turned to the window, I saw a man with a hat, I was very scared and I went back to my room, what I had seen did not let me sleep, my heart wanted to go out, I thought I recognized the silhouette of that man, until I could identify him, it was my grandfather's hat and a man of the same size, so I said to myself: "but the problem is that it was the middle of the night, it was the middle of the night, it was the middle of the night: That was my grandfather, but the problem was that it was the middle of the night and my grandfather was dead, this was my first experience with a ghost.


Hasta la próxima, me despido de ustedes no sin antes invitar a la amiga @andreabetty a participar en el concurso.

Until next time, I bid you farewell but not before inviting my friend @andreabetty to participate in the contest.

Las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas con mi telefono TECNO SPARK GO 6, a excepción de la imagen utilizada en el anuncio del concurso, una que descargue de Pixabay y el separador lo hice en power point.
The pictures were taken and edited with my TECNO SPARK GO 6 phone, except for the image used in the contest announcement, one that I downloaded from Pixabay and the separator I made in power point.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




I would have not gone out too just like you
It was the middle of the night...creepy


Por mucho tiempo no me levanté al baño en las noches, je je je


But... it was the middle of night!!!
Thanks for sharing @chichi76.
Good luck with the contest!


Hola, noche de miedo que nunca olvido, Gracias por pasar!


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