A Little Taste of My Fashion Sense.


There's a lot much more to fashion than most people think. Fashion is a common way of life and it's one of the many ways we express ourselves.

Photo of me after church

By what we choose to clothe ourselves with, we are able to define who we are and how we wish to be addressed by others around us. What you wear can actually affect how your colleagues and friends treat you. When someone wears a poorly designed and ill-fitting attire, they are likely to be seen by people as wierd. On the other hand, wearing smart, stylish attire is sure to grab attention and make people admire you.

Just like we have all other human characteristics which vary from person to person, we also have our different fashion senses.
Your fashion sense is your ability to choose clothes that make you look attractive .

Having a good fashion sense is having an instinct for how clothes look when worn together and also being able to combine those clothes to make an outfit that both looks good and expresses something about you.

Having a whole lot of clothes in your closet is really not enough. What actually matters is how you are able to select the right outfit for any occasion and appear presentable.

As for me, how I want to appear and the kind of clothes I choose to wear actually depends on the occasion. Before I leave my house, I'd look in the mirror and ask myself, "Do these clothes match?" and "Is this right for the occasion?".

Photo of me and @dimmablogs

I'm a very simple guy, so most times when I dress to go out, I ensure my outfit maintains a good level of simplicity. I really value my comfort, so I make sure to put on clothes that aren't too uncomfortable or require me to make adjustments every five minutes.

On a normal day or when I have to go for lectures in school, you would usually find me on a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt or polo.
I really love wearing jeans and I always choose to go for a plain black or a blue one because I know they can match any shirt I choose to wear them with.
The kind of t-shirts I wear are the plain ones with very few designs and the colors I love to go with my jeans are white, red, blue, yellow, orange and sometimes black.
Whenever I have these clothes on, I always go for a pair of sneakers (white preferably) or palm slippers. Then I top it top with a wrist watch and sometimes, a face cap .

But when I have to go to more cooperate occasions or to church. I put on casual long sleeve shirts and plain trousers with my sneakers.

If there's a kind of outfit I don't really like, it would definitely be native attires. Not actually that they're bad , I mean, I usually see people dress in native wears and they look really great but I just feel like they look really weird on me. Each time I have to get one for a family occasion, after wearing it for that day, I find myself never wearing it again.

I also do not like jeans with extreme designs. When I see jeans that are extremely ripped or have so many color designs and attachments from other materials, I get so irritated.
I like my jeans simple and with a single color. Ripped jeans are not bad but for me to wear them, they mustn't be too extreme.

Which ever way that I choose to dress, I make sure it's such that I appear, decent, smart, and respectable. It really doesn't require that we spend a lot of money buying expensive clothes to appear presentable, for we can still achieve perfection in our dressing with the cheapest of clothes. It just requires that we have a nice fashion sense.

This post is my response to the @hive-learners weekly posting topics for week 35 edition 01 on the title "Fashion Sense".

P.S. All photos are mine.

You're free to share your thoughts with me in the comments section .😊

Thanks for reading!❤️

0.049 PAL


I also agree that fashion sense is about ability to dress attractively in our own true self. It's all about looking good and I must say, your sense of fashion is unique. You always look good in what you wear.

Haha, I love guys on native wears though. Especially the ones that look neat and smart. It'll fit you sef, it looks nice on slim, tall guys like you. Although, not everyone likes it and I get you sha. Still, give a try someday 😂... For a little switch, you know 🌚😊.

Anyway, this was a nice read bro! ❤️

0.000 PAL

Thanks a lot sis🥰❤️
I totally agree with you! One's fashion sense is determined by how well he or she is able to present his or herself through dressing.

Native wears look really nice on people and I guess I really should give it a try.
Thanks for visiting!😊❤️

0.000 PAL

The way we dress determines how we will be addressed. I have seen young people being respected and treated well for dressing responsibly and I have also seen, elders treated harsely and mannerlessly because of their dresses. Our outfits can earn us respect.

we can still achieve perfection in our dressing with the cheapest of clothes. It just requires that we have a nice fashion sense.

I agree with you big time here, we must not wear the most expensive clothes before we look nice, we just need to know what matches us. If you have the expensive clothes fine, use the well, if your own are the cheap ones use them well too, just know what Is best for your body and go for it. It must not be expensive, moreover you don't have to wear expensive clothes before you look good.

Your dressing sense is good, I love being simple on my dresses just like you. I don't want anything that will make me uncomfortable. Fashion sense varies from persons to persons, for me, I love natives, I look more attractive and responsible on them. Probably because I have a small body structure. Your complexion will also be sweet for natives broh, why are you running from them hehe

0.000 PAL

Yes! We should learn to dress properly at all times because people tend to address us according to how we appear.

A lot of people think that because they are not rich, they can't afford to appear presentable with their dressing, but that's truly not the case.

Thanks a lot for your kind words bro! I really appreciate your presence here and I sure will try to look at natives more differently from now😊.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

A lot of people think that because they are not rich, they can't afford to appear presentable with their dressing, but that's truly not.

That's a Wrong mentality broh. There are cheap clothes everywhere, just get what will match you that's all.

Thanks a lot for your kind words bro! I really appreciate your presence here and I sure will try to look at natives more differently from now😊.

You're welcome my broh, please don't forget to show me some pictures when you finally wear one☺️

0.000 PAL

Oh well, the trends in fashion these days are quite peculiar and one must hold on to one's sense of fashion.

0.000 PAL

Truly, our sense of fashion is one of the determinants of who we are.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

It really doesn't require that we spend a lot of money buying expensive clothes to appear presentable,

This is something that everyone ought to take note of... You really don't need to be rich to dress decent and good.
Just washing and ironing the ones you have will put you in a place worth talking about by anyone you come across

0.000 PAL

You are absolutely right, if we can take good care of our clothes by practicing neatness and appearing decent, no one would even know that the clothes are cheap.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Seems like you're the type of person who likes to wear clothes that match the place you're going to, and that's great because it's for our convenience too. 😁

0.000 PAL

Yeah I'm pretty much that type of person. Probably because I don't really like to feel like the odd one out in gatherings 😂.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Get fine family members, e get why! 😁😂 You're looking so elegant and simple at the same time with these wears Bro

Haven't seen you with a face cap but you'll definitely look good with it, nice sneakers 😊

You pipo shu be posting your pictures more often abeg, lemme be appreciating God's work 🥺🥰

0.000 PAL

Awwn🥰... you're too sweet! 😂
Thanks so much for the kind words sis, I really appreciate. And yes I'll try to post more of my pictures here from time to time 😂.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Yeah, please do
You're welcome 🥰

0.000 PAL

Your fashion sense look so great brother, and i like the t-shirt one, cause that's become my habit fashion sense so when i wear it. Good share bro 😄👍

0.000 PAL

Thanks a lot friend! It makes me happy that you like my fashion sense😊.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Your fashion sense is really indeed great

0.000 PAL

Thanks a lot for the kind words friend and thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

For some reason, dressing up for a guy is much easier than women. Appearing smart is cool and it's true that what we wear is able to define us in a way and it helps people form some vague opinion about us. When it comes to price, sometimes expensive brands look cheap, it also depends on who wear it and styling it too.

0.000 PAL

Very nice point there friend!
The importance of dressing nice and appearing presentable really can't be overemphasized. And we really don't need to be bothered about not having enough money to buy expensive clothes because even cheap clothes look very nice. Like you said it all depends on the fashion sense of who is styling it.
I really appreciate your presence here friend. Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Sometimes money can't buy style, that's what I pick up from my mom hehe. See you around, cheers!

0.000 PAL

Indeed that is the point, no matter how you want to dress, you should look presentable and decent. That speaks volumes about who we are.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

0.000 PAL

You're absolutely right, how we dress tells a lot about who we are. So we should always appear presentable at all times.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL

Uhm is dimma your sister? you guys look so much alike

0.000 PAL

We do?
Yeah we are siblings 😊.

0.000 PAL

oh awesome, good to know❣️

0.000 PAL

Your choice of clothes is admirable. When you are wearing a jeans with different colours, it is nothing but colour riot 😅😅😅.

Expensive clothes are not the best of all clothes because the price doesn't determine the quality of the clothes but the fitting it gives you. As far as the cloth fits your personality, you're good to go 👌👍👍.

0.000 PAL

You totally get my point 😂. There's everything wrong with those kind of jeans and I just don't like them😂.

We really need to pay more attention to the fitting of clothes rather than the prices because that way we can appear more decent.
Thanks for visiting!❤️

0.000 PAL