Splinterlands Bronze 19 Battle Strategy


Screenshot of Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle! 67.jpg

Splinterlands Bronze 19 Battle Strategy

As the worlds worst Splinterlands player I have always loved tutorials showing lineups and strategy for Bronze Mana battles. It's how I learn and the type of content I crave.

Personally, I feel like the most valuable Hive content is evergreen content. That means it is content that will always be valuable. Even though the author only gets rewards for a week, the content will rank well in google bringing lots of new eyeballs to hive and its tribes as well as branding the author as an author as an authority. All of this serves us well. As someone who began working in SEO in 2007, I can guarantee growth from creating content that people want or need.

Having said all this, the content I look up in google is based around Sprlinterland Bronze Battle Strategies. More specifically, actual mana battles.

So I've written my Splinterlands Bronze 19 Battle Strategy for a couple of reasons. Using this particular, using the Fire Splinter for my 19 battles has yielded my best results for any battle in Chaos League.

It may be that more of my opponents surrender on this battle because bots haven't figured it out yet, it's not appealing to use a couple of older cards, or simply that it's really good. I have no clue but hope others weigh in on it.

Another reason I'm writing this article is to compel other, better authors to produce this exact type of content for every splinter and every mana battle. If you are struggling with content ideas and understand that you will probably earn more writing about Splinterlands than playing it, this type of content will be a treasure trove and keep you busy for months.

It doesn't matter how many people attack it, there will always be readers for it. I don't care what other hivians say about it, they are wrong. The SEO authors providing stats will prove me right.

This article is titled in a way that I believe people will search if they want help on a 19 Mana Battle. I hope others will post their strategy or place it in the comments.

How To Win A Bronze 19 Battle Most of the Time


Summoner: Tarsa

Tarsa is a new chaos summoner that any can use for free during gameplay. She will add 1 Melee and 1 Life to her monsters.


Living Lava.png

Living Lava

Living Lava is a powerful tank for your first position. While players are looking for new cards to play with, this old faithful will be solid and take a beating for you.

Tenyii Striker.png

Tenyii Striker

In this particular 19 battle Tenyii Striker is perfect for your 2nd position. He has 6 lives plus the extra he receives from Tarsa. He is free for all players to use and dishes out 2 melee with a speed of 2. That's not bad for a lower mana battle.

Serpentine Spy.png

Serpentine Spy

Serpentine Spy has always been my favorite Fire card. He's fast and has opportunities. I like using with the Ant Miner but in the third position in this 19 battle he will hold up ok because of his speed.

No lineup is guaranteed to win every time but Tarsa, Living Lava, Tenyii Striker & Serpentine Spy is a solid and free-to-use lineup for Mana 19 Battles in Bronze.

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Actually, this is no strategy. Your lineup can be destroyed by any sneak or fast opportunity monsters. They are plentiful these days ;)

You will need a sneak protection at the back.


Good advice. I'll look into sneak protection. So far I havent lost with this lineup but I'm sure it's coming. Im just tying to get lineups that give me a shot. It seems like the bots haven't caught up yet so I have a chance while I try to learn. I really hate chaos so far lol

If you have any ideas about good 19 mana battles using the free cards it would be great to comment because this article will hang around on google when people search. I'll edit it from time to time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
