My Experience of Being Responsible for my Life

Greetings friends of Hive and @weekendexperiences, today I am again going to participate in the initiative proposed by @galenkp, where he presents us with several topics to choose one and express our experience and learn about that of other users within Hive.


It should be noted that in childhood it is a stage in which we are considered happy because in our daily life we ​​have few responsibilities, such as studying and helping at home, and sometimes we want to be adults to do different things and it turns out that when we are already in another stage, we have to do more activities that are mandatory and others that are part of our self-esteem to feel good about ourselves.


It should be noted that in childhood it is a stage in which we are considered happy because in our daily life we ​​have few responsibilities, such as studying and helping at home, and sometimes we want to be adults to do different things and it turns out that when we are already in another stage, we have to do more activities that are mandatory and others that are part of our self-esteem to feel good about ourselves.


Now when we decide to be responsible for our life, we must be responsible for the decisions we make and learn from our mistakes, to improve and grow as a person, and when we learn what those responsibilities are, we also have to fully fulfill them because otherwise we are going to have difficulties in our lives. An example of those responsibilities is having a job to have social security and to be able to acquire food for sustenance, pay public services, pay taxes are some of that responsibility that we have to respond to.


Since I married my wife, I have had to take on new responsibilities to live in harmony, where the two of us are a team and I try to help with activities within the home to alleviate the workload a little. When my daughter was born, it is a great responsibility as a father to take care of her and protect her, guaranteeing her nutrition, medications for her healthy growth. Then my second child was born, which meant greater responsibility for care and giving them both the love they need and instilling values ​​as human beings.

On the other hand, I have a job, which I have been working for eighteen years, I have been a responsible worker in the functions that correspond to me as a teaching professional in the institution where I work and I have never had problems of a work nature since I have been working in the public administration.


On a personal level, I care a lot about my health, doing sports to stay physically well and I do not have any type of vices that prevent me from fulfilling my responsibilities with my family. Finally, I consider myself a responsible person with myself and also with the decisions I make to take on the new challenges that arise on a personal and professional level, and I assume the consequences of all my actions.

I hope you liked it, see you in a next post.

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Used logos of Hive
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colmena (3).gif
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich


0.027 PAL


Responsibility is a great value profe, just being a parent and seeing you share with them, giving them love and protection makes you a responsible person in front of society.

0.000 PAL

Greetings friends, if it is a heat that some men do not assume and the woman fulfills the role of father and mother, thanks for your comment, happy evening.

0.000 PAL

Sometimes I don't understand life.
The more we wanted to be adults, the more we want to be children again.

0.000 PAL

That's right my friend, when we are full of so many responsibilities, we want to want to be children again, thanks for your comment, greetings.

0.000 PAL

You are undoubtedly a citizen who can set an example. There is no better way to appreciate life than being faithful to oneself and one's family, because after all it is our main good in this life, to be fair, generous and good people, starting at home and ending with being useful to society...the future depends largely on our behavior today.

0.000 PAL

Yes, we have to set an example to our children so that in the future they will be responsible, thank you for commenting, greetings.

0.000 PAL

That's what adult life is all about, taking charge of our decisions and responsibilities and all that this implies, as you have told us. Blessings, greetings!

0.000 PAL

Hello friend, yes, very true, thank you for your comment, amen.

0.000 PAL

Que lindo escrito. Ser responsable congrega muchas cosas. Y tú llenaste muchas de ellas. Felicidades.

0.000 PAL

Saludos, gracias por tu comentario.

0.000 PAL