W marcu jak w garncu [PL] / [EN] March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb

We have in Poland such proverb: "W marcu jak w garncu" (direct translate: "In March like in a pot" and in English (if I found good example is rather: "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". I don't know if it really means the same - but in Poland means, that you can have in March quite warm weather but also quite cold.

I looked at forecast for the next few days. It looks like this "pot" has been moved from the oven straight to the freezer. Will it really be -4 degrees tomorrow? We'll see.


[PL] Jest u nas takie przysłowie: "W marcu jak w garncu". Prognoza na najbliższe dni, wygląda jakby ten garnek był przeniesiony z pieca wprost do zamrażarki. Naprawdę jutro będzie -4 stopnie? Zobaczymy.

march like a pot.jpg

Source of weather forecast / Źródło prognozy pogody: windy.com
