If you like badge AMG - you can spend a fortune on... Monopoly AMG and play it at weekend

What can you do when forecasts advice to stay at home for this weekend?

If you like Monopoly, you can play it and listen to blow of strong wind next to your window.

Maybe you didn't know but there is one more interesting version of that game (I didn't know till today morning , when I saw them in Mercedes dealare).


Very special is also its price - five times higher than basic Monopoly (Polish 520 zł is about 120$)


Cars of branded AMG are very fascinating. 500+ HP engines allowes to make an incredible accelerations either coupe (AMG GT) or big SUV (GLS).


I didn't buy that game - but I found somebody who made an unboxing.


It's interesting - because maybe people buy that game only for collection?

Although if you decide to open it (and lower its value) you should have a good afternoon with friends.

I searched opinion and somebody claims that after that play family now knows a lot more about cars of that brand.

Monopoly is assiociated with cities in most versions - but here are cars and rental not hotels but garages.

Maybe someone of you played that version of this game?



So...based on your comment below this post is a review of a game you do not have and have never played. This does not constitute a weekend experience and so this post doesn't belong in this community.



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Blackboard image source


@hive-168869 Thank you for checking and feedback.

Yes I didn't play that game, but I believe that some day thanks to Hive I will be able to buy it and test it, then give the full story on Weekend Experiences ;)
