Technology in the teaching and learning process



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In education, the current technological phenomenon must be assumed as a challenge in which it is necessary to teach with a purpose under which technology can be understood from a perspective that allows the understanding of new technologies in a social and environmental context.

There are many benefits provided by technology in relation to our development as a society, however the lack of knowledge about the correct use of many of these technologies, invites that through a teaching-learning process can be trained to those who need it where the individual who wishes to acquire a device with technology in common use can learn the techniques to know what it is for, also explain the purpose for which it was designed, and that the same person can analyze and understand the relationship between their demands and how they can use such technology for their benefits.

The focus of a technological education should be developed in a curricular space that promotes in students a learning capacity where they can apply the knowledge learned to identify the problems associated with new technologies and that in turn can solve the associated technical problems, so that in educational spaces everyone is initiated in what could mean the contemporary technological culture.
