More than a smile is the joy that life allows me to have to share with my daughter Diana

Our children grow up without us even realizing that happens in a time that we do not expect it, in a time of the day in which I dedicate to share with my daughter, we were playing and hugging each other, when she tells me: "daddy lend me the phone to take a picture of us." I was actually surprised by her reaction, because I thought that because of her age she did not have that ability, but then I thought and reflected that this new generation is very much related to technology.

I agreed and we took this picture:


After I captured the photograph, I took some time to reflect on the fact that the smile that my daughter expresses is beyond my comprehension, since it may seem like something normal and everyday, but I believe that for her it is an instant of great joy to be sharing with me. Even though I spend a lot of time with her, today I have learned with her that every time I can share with her is a time that will remain in my memories in the future, especially to think that my time as a father was not wasted and that on the contrary during my daughter's childhood I could always be there when my daughter needed it the most.


Enjoy yourself with your daughter.😊
