How do we express our most authentic self?

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The authenticity of our own being is always there in our mind, however, the difficulty arises to be able to express that authenticity, since there are some limitations that hinder us to express the most genuine part of ourselves.

We cannot deny the fact that there are factors external to our will that make us not want to show the rest of the people around us who we really are, and when I say that we do not want to show who we really are is because there are certain rules dictated by our society that inhibit us to express even our deepest thoughts.

The question we can ask ourselves is:

What can we do to break down all those barriers that inhibit us from expressing ourselves authentically?

The first thing I think we can do is to diagnose the elements that are being influential that limit us to express ourselves authentically, an example of this is when we identify that some social network influences us to not make us act authentically, since most social networks have exacerbated our ancestral need to be accepted, making us dependent on the validation of society which determines the parameters of acceptance which ultimately compromises our most genuine and authentic expression.

Secondly, it is important to work on personal acceptance, to study ourselves from within, to accept our cultural roots, so that we can understand the reasons why we behave in one way or another, and after we accept ourselves as we are, we must learn to deal with the social pressure of not being accepted for the way we are, but it is all a matter of the environment around us understanding that each person in the world has a particular and genuine way of expressing, acting and thinking.

The important thing is to feel proud of who we are and for nothing in the world to express something that we are not, the freedom with which we can act and express our ideas is what defines us as authentic human beings and different from others.
