RE: It's Time For HIVE to Pivot on Anti-Abuse | Focus Group Anyone?
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The more I think/read about it the more I come to this conclusion:
It is time to throw old ideals over board for the sake of reality.
Let's just admit that the experiment of decentralisation has failed, and move on and/or see what we can salvage.
I lost a lot of illusions while reading a book from the 16th century describing the exact dilemma we are facing on Hive (Utopia by Thomas Morus). And I am thankful for each and every illusion that I loose.
Lol, never give up hope, rage against the darkness, is my motto.
Read these two books and let me know how their treatment of crapitalistic math fits with your world view?
They will burst some bubbles for you, they did for me.
Thanks for the books, I need brainfeed ;)
I've got dozens, some quite voluminous.
This is short story along the same lines as the other two.
This is an academic treatment of the ideas.