Once upon a time in a land filled with surreal magical creatures, there lived a brave onion named nino who just couldn't cry.
He was round and purple like all the other onions, in fact he thought he was more of an onion than any onion could be, but he just couldn't cry.
All the onions in the surreal land hated him because of this fact. He was always exempted from any event in the land because he couldn't cry.
" What onion could not cry" they would say behind his back.
The villagers continued with their harsh treatment towards nino until one day their thoughts were changed forever.
It was a normal Wednesday morning like any other day, but that day didn't end like any other day.
The day began with the sun shining brightly in the sky but grudually the sun became hotter and hotter and it just wouldn't go down. At first the villagers didn't think much of the situation until it got to evening hours but the sky was clear as day and hot as iron. The villagers began to panic when they realised the sun was not going down anymore, they were tired from the day's work and needed sleep. Soon a meeting was held and as usual nino wasn't invited, the onion king tried to calm the villagers down and assured them all would be well by morning.
The villagers all went home believing in their king, but by Evening the next day the sun was still up. The king had ran out of ideas on what to do, he too could not understand why the sun couldn't go down.
Days went by and the sun was still up, the villagers became more frightened then before. Soon all the water in the land began to dry up including the water the onions had in them. They started looking shriveled and weak and later on the villagers became ill all except nino who was looking like he always did, after all, he had always had no water.
Days turned to weeks and still they had no answer, until one day the king consulted a very wise soothsayer.
" You need to get water from the orange river and pour it in the middle of the village" the soothsayer had said.
It was an easy task to such a huge problem the villagers thought, but when the king asked for volunteers no one stepped forward. The villagers we're all scared of going close to the orange river even if it could save them, they kept pointing fingers at one another until brave nino stepped up. The villagers stared at him in surprise.
" Why would you want to save us" they asked
" Yes why, the sun did not affect you in any way" another added
" I still want to help, you are all weak and sick and none of you would survive that journey to the orange river" nino replied.
The villagers all stared at him in awe and surprise.
" But we have been mean to you " a villager said.
Nino stared at the villagers in front of him and then put his hand on his chest.
" Two wrongs do not make a right, I want to help because I care and it is the right thing to do".
The villagers became speechless and just stared wide eyes at the onion they had bullied and taken as nothing. They felt ashamed at their actions and wished they could go back and rewrite the past.
Nino set out on his journey to the orange river and did what was asked by the soothsayer and immediately the cloud became dark and it began to rain and soon the sky became dark. The villagers cheered and danced in joy, finally the sun had gone down thanks to Nino's kind heart.
From that day on the villagers thought of nino as a champion who saved them, And he was loved by all.