cat photos
hi Hive friends?
Cats are mammals that are often kept as pets. They have smooth and soft fur, and usually have cute and adorable behavior. Cats are also famous for their ability to hunt and sniff out prey. Some well-known cat breeds include Persian, Siamese, and Maine Coon. Cats are animals that are popular among pet lovers because of their friendly and pampered nature.
Usually if a cat is in the house, other animals such as mice, cockroaches will be afraid of all hive friends, I photographed this cat while he was relaxing under the table of all my hive friends.
That's all for my Hive friends post this time.
0.012 PAL
Nice photos :)
I have some cats in my Neighbourhood 😺
thank you very much for your visit
I am thankful to you for sharing them :)
চমৎকার বিড়ালের ফটোগ্রাফি দেখে খুবই ভালো লাগলো।
Thank you very much