Challenge/ Our Body Speaks... (Eng/ Esp)


It is a pleasure to accept the invitation of my friend @anttn, to participate in his new challenge, How do you take care of your health - Unity Community Challenge I take this opportunity to invite my friends @chacald.dcymt, @annafenix, @popurri to participate. Starting from this proposal, we continue.

Everyone has their own way or different ways to take care of their health, there are many who practice exercise to satiety accompanied, usually, by a specific diet, others like to just change their way of eating by eating only one food group, such as vegetarians for example.

Personally, my way of taking care of my health is by listening to my body, as I have found throughout my existence, that it has always warned me, when something has not been right, through different general symptoms, depending on what I have had to deal with, with headaches, general tiredness or discomfort in a specific part of my body.

But, on the other hand, I have also taken the measure of prevention, doing my annual medical checkups such as gynecological checkups, mammograms, cytologies, echoes, in short, and now that I am already at an age where I am entering or am at the gates of old age, I try to take vitamins and issues that strengthen my immune system and for that I also use natural issues, such as consuming more vegetables and having a healthier, balanced diet.

Source/ Fuente

In my case, today I am more aware of the importance of consuming more natural foods and my grandmother was right when she said "natural is the healthiest" and she lived 82 years without suffering from serious diseases, she died practically because of her age. She was a lover of natural spices, such as garlic, bay leaf, her cooking was always very fresh, without processed seasonings and in that way, I try to support my family and me.

On the other hand, I think that there is nothing healthier than having tranquility in every sense, emotional, spiritual, because the way your emotions are, in the same way they will affect your physical health, for example, with headaches, stress, anxiety, fatigue and pains that you do not usually handle, back, knees, in short. That is why I say, the body speaks what the mouth does not say. We must keep in mind that the way you face your daily life, in that way, "your body will talk to you".

Everything goes hand in hand, your emotional, mental and physical health and to maintain that perfect balance, that you have to keep in mind, that you have to do or practice what benefits us, like doing regular exercises, walking, dabbling in nature, nothing like that to make you feel connected with this world, that makes you feel revitalized, breathe, but consciously we could say meditate, I call it being with myself, just feel my body. Practicing things that relax you, that make you have fun, a sport, reading, in my case writing, it's all a matter of feeling good about it.

And to do and know what to do for you, you simply have to learn to listen to your body, to your mind. Sit down and ask yourself, what does my body need, what does my mind need, and see the signals that your body sends you, all this in conjunction with these questions and there you will have the unique answers for you, your health is in your hands.

Source/ Fuente


Es un placer aceptar la invitación del amigo @anttn, a participar en su nuevo reto, ¿Cómo cuidas tu salud? - Reto Comunitario Unidad aprovecho la ocasión, para invitar a participar a mis amigos @chacald.dcymt, @annafenix, @popurri . Partiendo de esta propuesta, seguimos.

Cada quien tiene su manera o formas diferentes de cuidar su salud, hay muchos que practican ejercicios hasta la saciedad acompañados, normalmente, de una dieta específica, otros gustan de solo cambiar su manera de alimentarse comiendo solo un grupo de alimentos, como los vegetarianos por ejemplo.

Personalmente, mi forma de cuidar mi salud es oyendo a mi cuerpo, pues he comprobado a lo largo de mi existencia, que siempre me ha advertido, cuando algo no ha estado bien, por medio de diferentes síntomas generales, dependiendo de lo que haya tenido que atender, con dolores de cabeza, cansancio general o molestias en algún lugar específico de mi cuerpo.

Pero, por otro lado, también he tomado la medida de la prevención, haciéndome mis chequeos médicos anuales tales como los ginecológicos, mamografías, citologías, ecos, en fin y ahora en que tengo ya una edad en que estoy entrando o estoy a las puertas de la tercera edad, procuro tomar vitaminas y cuestiones que fortalezcan mi sistema inmune y para eso me valgo de cuestiones naturales también, como consumir más vegetales y tener una alimentación más sana, balanceada.

En mi caso, hoy día soy más consciente de la importancia de consumir más comidas naturales y que razón tenía mi abuela al decir, "que lo natural, es lo más saludable" y ella vivió 82 años sin padecer enfermedades graves, murió prácticamente por la edad. Ella era amante de las especias naturales, como el ajo, el laurel, su cocina siempre fue muy fresca, sin condimentos procesados y de esa manera, trato de mantener a mi familia y a mi.

Por otro lado, pienso que no hay nada más saludable que tener tranquilidad en todo sentido, emocional, espiritual, porque del modo en que estén tus emociones, de ese mismo modo te van a repercutir en tu salud física, ejemplo, con dolores de cabeza, estrés, ansiedad, cansancio y dolores que comúnmente no manejas, de espaldas, rodillas en fin. Por eso digo, el cuerpo habla, lo que la boca no dice. Debemos tener en cuenta que de la forma en que enfrentes el diario vivir, de esa forma, "te hablara tu cuerpo".

Todo va de la mano, tu salud emocional, mental y física y para mantener ese equilibrio perfecto, que tienes que tener en cuenta, que hay que hacer o practicar lo que nos beneficie, como hacer ejercicios regulares, caminar, incursionar en la naturaleza, nada como eso para hacerte sentir conectado con este mundo, eso te hace sentir revitalizado, respirar, pero conscientemente podríamos decirle meditar, yo le llamo estar conmigo misma, simplemente sentir mi cuerpo. Practicar cosas que te relajen, que te diviertan, un deporte, una lectura, en mi caso la escritura, todo es cuestión de que te sientas bien con ello.

Y para hacer y saber qué hacer para ti, simplemente tienes que aprender a oír a tu cuerpo, a tu mente. Sentarte y preguntarte ¿Qué necesita mi cuerpo? ¿Qué necesita mi mente?, y ver las señales que te manda tu cuerpo, todo esto en conjunto con estas preguntas y allí tendrás las respuestas únicas para tu persona, tu salud está en tus manos.

Translated with (free version)
Separadores/ Separators @eve66
Banner @brujita18




@brujita18! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @vocup. (5/20)


@brujita18! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @vocup. (6/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.


Sounds like you live a balanced life. The older people seemed to live more simply and have better diets, we would be better to observe them. My Dad is 75 and seems too young to die at 82!


The simple things in life are the best, enjoy a good meal, a coffee, share an afternoon with friends, read a good book, that makes the difference, enjoy the simple things. I wish a long life to your father, greetings!


Simplicity is EVERYTHING. I think everything I work towards is making life more simple!


Hello and thank you for your participation dear @brujita18 !

That is why I say, the body speaks what the mouth does not say.

It's so true and we see it every day around us, and sometimes in ourselves if we are not listening enough! I also agree with what you say about listening to your body, the signs and also your instincts about what to exercise or what to eat.

Some people who are obsessed with their material health too often forget about their spiritual and inner health. This general balance is what true health is all about :)

There is a quote from Seneca that I love, I can't find the exact words, but it is more or less this: In the course of my life, I would have managed to become a friend to myself. I love this quote and I think it has a lot to do with what you are saying here.

Thanks again for your article in response to the challenge, I really enjoyed reading it <3
I wish you a good day and in advance, happy Christmas celebrations !


I am delighted that you liked my writing. It was a pleasure to share and with all the friends of this community, Happy Holidays to you too!


I felt the pleasure touch for sure hehe !
Thanks you again 😘
