Dead or Alive?



What's up people, how are you? Welcome to a new post, this afternoon I was finishing this illustration that I left halfway the night before because I fell asleep, my mistake, I hadn't worked on painting a portrait like this for a while, very important, listen

Que pasa gente, como estan? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo post, esta tarde estuve terminando esta ilustración que deje a medias la noche anterior porque me quede dormido, error mío, tenia un tiempo sin trabajar el pintado de un retrato de esta forma, muy importante, escuchen


Process / Proceso

The colors of this portrait are particularly unusual, it seems that it was some kind of zombie because of the colors it has and how big the pupils are, it has an interesting aspect, it was difficult to integrate the colors correctly, they combine very well but it takes a blending process and more complicated texturing than normal, without a doubt it is a good practice for those who are learning to draw like me.

Los colores de este retrato son particularmente inusuales, pareciera que fuera una especie de zombies por los colores que tiene y lo grande que estan las pupilas, tiene un aspecto interesante, fue complicado integrar los colores correctamente, combinan muy bien pero lleva un proceso de difuminado y texturizado mas complicado de lo normal, sin duda es una buena practica para quien este aprendiendo a dibujar como yo.





In general, I loved doing all this illustration, but if I had to choose a favorite part, it would undoubtedly be the hair, I love doing it, it's relaxing, sadly I just lost half of the post I wrote, a small mistake that anyone makes T-T, In short, it is very relaxing to do everything by hand, little by little it takes on a realistic shape, the final finish is thanks to small details.

En general me encanto hacer toda esta ilustración, pero si tuviera que elegir una parte favorita sin duda seria el cabello, me encanta hacerlo, es relajante, tristemente acabo de perder la mitad del post que había escrito, un pequeño error que comete cualquiera T-T, en fin, es muy relajante ir haciendo todo a mano, poquito a poco va agarrando una forma realista, el acabado final es gracias a los detalles pequeños.




The skin was in constant modification, always looking for a more realistic result, I really loved making this illustration, I think it's very noticeable, I was thinking about adding something extra to the body and some things occurred to me but I decided not to place them this time, The last touches that I gave to the body were glitters all over the body and mainly in the finishing of the eyes.

La piel estuvo en constante modificación, buscando siempre un resultado mas realista, enserio me encanto hacer esta ilustración, creo que se nota mucho, estuve pensando en si añadirle algún extra al cuerpo y se me ocurrieron algunas cosas pero decidí no colocarlas en esta ocasión, los últimos toques que di en el cuerpo fueron brillos en todo el cuerpo y principalmente en el acabado de los ojos.



This was the entire post, I hope you liked it, until next time!

Este fue todo el post, espero les haya gusto, hasta la próxima!

As you can see I have a new profile picture, thanks to my dear @oscariart who made it with my birthday♥ I love you very much, thank you for my present my life:D

Como ven tengo una nueva foto de perfil, gracias a mi querida @oscariart que la hizo con mi fecha de cumpleaños♥ te quiero mucho, gracias por mi presente mi vida:D


0.018 PAL


Me encanta el ambiente del dibujo, la combinación entre los colores,la pose e iluminación están increíbles.

0.000 PAL

I love your works, they're always solid ❤️❤️

0.000 PAL


Your illustration is fantastic! The colors and textures are so unique and it's amazing to see how you blended everything together. I love the attention to detail in the hair and the skin, it gives the portrait such a realistic feel. Amazing work! I love it! ☺️

0.000 PAL

Me encanta hacerle zoom a tus obras, los detalles y texturas son hermosos, concuerdo contigo realizar el cabello es bastante relajante 😌.

De nada por la ilustración te quiero. 😘

0.000 PAL

Really fantastic work 😍 , and deeply explaination about details. I try making art works as a beginner its good for me to learn from you paintings . Specially the angle of lights and colors combinations are great.

0.000 PAL

A great work bro .

I'm amazed😍

0.000 PAL

I really enjoyed looking at your portrait illustration, it's impressive how you were able to integrate unusual colors and textures to create such a unique piece. I especially liked the hair as well, it looks very realistic and has a great flow to it.
Congrats on your new profile picture! It's always nice to have a new and personalized profile picture, and it's even better when it's made by someone special.

0.000 PAL