China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-09-06




US, China still have 'some differences' on climate finance, US envoy says

"experts said little was expected from this week's round of talks, especially amid uncertainties about the outcome of the U.S. presidential election."

--- Little was expected & little was the outcome, but:

"Podesta said the two sides had "excellent discussions" on the upcoming COP29 climate talks in Baku, Azerbaijan in November"

--- Who needs results if you have 'excellent discussions'?

"The two sides are also planning to hold a bilateral summit on abating non-CO2 greenhouse gases like methane, Podesta said.
"They get less attention but they’re fully half of what’s causing global warming,""

--- Now, that could get interesting, because China has largely ignored non-CO2 gases. I doubt that China will do much about them in the future.


Clues show Huang Ping was Chinese diplomat directing New York official

"U.S. prosecutors allege that Sun was in direct contact with several Chinese government officials, including an unnamed person labeled as “PRC-Official 1.”
[...] RFA has identified PRC-Official 1 as Huang Ping, who at the time was the consul general of the Chinese Consulate in New York."

--- Just contact during normal social occasions, I'm sure.

"The alleged connections between Sun and Huang should be a warning to leaders across fields to watch for efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to influence their activities"

--- That's the important point here.


Manila and Hanoi team up against China

"BRIAN HARDING, former country director for Asian and Pacific security affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, argued that the deal shows that the U.S. efforts to get countries in the region to team up against China are paying off.
The U.S. “is not out there twisting arms — countries that are concerned about Chinese aggression are banding together in practical ways,”"

--- The US doesn't need to twist arms. Emperor Xi is doing all the heavy lifting.


X is banned in Brazil and China, but Elon Musk is only in a spat with one. The secret? Tesla.

"it's worth asking why Musk's free-speech absolutism hasn't extended to another country he's deeply involved in.
China — a country in which Musk has been lavished with five-star treatment and been given access to some of its most prolific political and business leaders — has long banned Western social-media companies. Among those is X, which has been blocked in China since 2009"

--- Free-speech absolutist my arse...
Musk is far too friendly with the CCP.
& his new Twitter is not too dissimilar to the old Twitter when there were complaints about shadow-banning. When you criticise some of Musks buddies on Twitter the same might happen to you. Or me: I can't access my X-account anymore. When I try, I get stuck in a doom loop: 'Authenticate your account', 'Something went wrong', 'Authenticate your account', 'Something'...


Why do places in Tibet have both Tibetan and Chinese names?

"When Tibetans refer to Tibet, they mean “Greater Tibet,” a 2.5-million square-kilometer, or 970,000 square-mile, area covering much of the Tibetan Plateau and comprising the three historic regions of U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo.
[...] In 1965, the Chinese government — which annexed the region in 1950 — designated U-Tsang and the western part of Kham as the Tibet Autonomous Region, or TAR.
Other parts of Kham and Amdo cover parts of the Chinese provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan to the east of the TAR.
Half of the more than 6 million Tibetans live in the TAR, while the remainder live in the other four provinces."

--- Divide et impera.



A million people are relocated as Typhoon Yagi makes 2 landfalls in southern China

Fury as Filipino officials pose with 'China spy mayor'

China, price cuts and costs: the fuel driving Volkswagen's crisis



--- France 24: "Fugitive former mayor and alleged China spy deported back to Philippines"


--- China Uncensored: "Extreme Drivers in China"



Umweltbundesamt verweigert CO2-Zertifikate

"Neben eigenen Ermittlungen und den Ermittlungen der Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft habe die Behörde auch eine internationale Anwaltskanzlei eingeschaltet, um die mutmaßlichen Betrugsfälle aufzuklären. Diese sei auch in China vor Ort aktiv, erklärte das UBA weiter. Im nächsten Schritt würden 13 weitere Projekte unter die Lupe genommen.
Insgesamt stehen nach UBA-Angaben 40 von 69 China-Projekten unter Betrugsverdacht. Weitere Projekte wird es vorerst nicht geben"

--- Mal sehen, ob es da tatsächlich Amtshilfe aus China geben wird. Denn der größte Umweltbetrüger von alles ist ja die KPCh.


China verbietet Adoptionen durch Ausländer

"Ein Grund für die Einstellung der Auslands-Adoptionen könnte sein, dass Chinas Bevölkerung schrumpft."

--- Natürlich ist das der Hauptgrund, auch wenn Xenophobie auch eine Rolle spielen könnte.


China und Südostasien intensivieren akademischen Austausch

"Der akademische Austausch zwischen China und seinen Nachbarn in Südostasien wird intensiver.
[...] Nach den jüngsten Angaben auf dem Portal Erudera seien 2018 mehr als 500.000 ausländische Studierende an den chinesischen Hochschulen eingeschrieben. 2009 sei es nicht einmal halb so viele gewesen."

--- Deutschland, deine Medien. Wenn man so einen Artikel schreibt, sollte man wenigstens halbwegs aktuelle Zahlen verwenden.



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